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Posts posted by Akira

  1. funny that until minou made a post about being a top for the first time, i never had any idea that such a thing existed, i always assumed all gay dudes would just take turns at it ahaha. guess that's a product of not having any (at least openly) gay friends.

    Nah, that's a product of being raised well and knowing how to share :P

  2. Anybody got new pics of their xx-010s? Mine are taking a while to show nay wear (although I only recently promoted them to daily wear and I'm generally just going to class in them, nothing exciting)

  3. i have stimulating conversations. about water tension, social classes, the polarity of water molecules, etc. it gets pretty intense.

    in fact, i'm having an awesome discussion about cephalopods right now. and how they have huge eyes but they work like pinhole cameras so imagine how their vision is like.

    or how nautilus propel themselves through water.

    or why anchors are shaped the way they are.

    but sometimes, answers need to be sung.

    Maybe I just have experiences with previous-level stoners who become conspiracy theorists/assholes

  4. hate people who act like this when they're high. i've always preferred to chill / eat / play ball / listen to music / have stimulating conversation.

    You cannot have stimulating conversation while high. While you may think you're on that Einstein tip, you really just sound like Cartman

  5. Man...its all about the mystery of SuFu stalking.

    I will say that I saw sportsfreak on his visit to NYC once.

    Dude is like, 6' 3'', had extra skinny jeans and an awkwardly big ass.

    Didnt speak to him, all I could do is imagine him with his awe-inspiring thumbs up.

    Really? I wouldn't have put him over 5'10

  6. Craigslist listers who don't know what the fuck they're doing...

    3 Different ads for Singer sewing machines and none of them reply to my e-mails and they don't list any other contact method.... There's also a machine that's in questionable condition (seller doesn't know if it still runs) that's trying to sell for $400 while most of the actually working machines are <$100 wtf you trying to play at? I don't give a shit if it has sentimental value to you and was your great grandmothers, it ain't worth $400. Basically I just want a new fucking machine and I'm kicking myself for not buying the really good one that was picked off last week :(

    Edit: also, Passion Pit sold out before I could get tickets. I'm not paying $60 for that :( I hear tell there's a free show but can't find out when, just where

  7. I never enjoy the after affects of naps. For some reason I always wake up sweaty and sticky. The only time i'm glad I nap is if I just did some really rigorous activity.

    Just woke up from a nap. For whatever reason whenever I nap while wearing cologne it superduperfies the effects and I always wake up smelling like what I imagine a guido to smell like. Ugh, I need a shower

    If anyone has an extra invite code for lookbook.nu, it would be greatly appreciated if you shared it with me..


    PM me your e-mail addy my du

  8. For real real? The day AFTER the deadline you gonna jump in after all of the bumps lol

    PS, e-mail sent

    Edit: oops, in the subject line I put KitAkira instead of Akira, my bad

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