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Posts posted by raWorkshop

  1. I have and it's great

    also tried and tastes superb: mint chocolate, vanilla caramel, banana

    Banana flavored is for bitches. Real protein shakes require chocolate whey, peanut butter and 2/3's a real banana. Blend.

  2. Vintage. If you can only have one machine, get something like this.


    If you can, get out a screw driver and check the internals on anything you buy. You want metal internal bits, not nylon like most new machines. You really only need straight stitch and zigzag/button hole. All other stitches are pretty much gimmicks, so don't let them distract you. Check estate sales, craigslist and garage sales for old machines like these. The one above had obviously never been used when I bought it, and I still use it for little stuff.

    Edit, also,

    a) make sure you oil and clean whatever machine you have. This is way easier than it sounds, ask the hardware store guy about the oil, and just put a drop of oil on anything that touches another internal part.

    B) If you pick up a machine at Salvation Army or used or whatever and it need service, get it done at a shop that primarily does industrial machines. It will be cheaper than home sewing stores (most of whom will take it to the industrial places anyways and pocket the difference).

    c) while you're at the industrial place, don't be afraid to ask if they have any used and beat to shit industrials. They're not that expensive used, and will make a stitch infinitely better than any domestic.

  3. Damn that's impressive. On a hot summer day, a moleskine in my back pocket would have pages soaked through and through.

    You're right, it does funk up. But how Imma remember shit without my moleskin?

    Good to hear iPhones can take back pocket abuse, about to get one tomorrow.

  4. Looks wicked good.

    I just rescued this machine, runs like a tank. This is the perfect machine for denim if anybody is looking to start making jeans.



    $75 if anybody is interested, comes with cabinet. I can ship without the cabinet if you're willing to make yourself a little stand out of 2x4's. If you're close or inbetween to Cleveland or Syracuse I'll drop it off.

  5. More info on the denim? And back-pocket stitching, etc

    JSFU got the most of it, the selvedge I'm currently using is a 14 oz Cone. The streaky is lighter, a good summer weight, but I have no info on actual weight or mill.

    I'm doing back pockets fairly plain stitching wise, but there is a mitered edge and I cut the fabric grain against the miter. I can do it that way or normal vertical grain and shortly I'll have a more traditional back pocket shape available. The decorative stitching is just a little detail I came up with last year. I like it but I can leave it off as requested.


  6. Hey all, here's the new thread about my project I hinted at a while ago.

    Also, mini tutorial on hidden rivets.

    I suffered like hell for a long time trying to figure out hidden rivets on my own so I never posted this. miznations awesome thread about jeans making already blew the spot so I thought I'd clear it up.

    Double up your seam allowance on the outside edges, cut down to make flaps.



    Topstich the top of your pocket, leaving the tabs.


    Bartack right where the flaps meet the main body of the pocket, lined up however you want the pockets on the back panel.


    Rivets in (note these rivets are way way to close to the outside edge, I had to redo them)


    Flip, press, sew it down, pray that you don't hit the rivet and throw your machine out of time.



  7. 3407725988_6d91d534da.jpg

    Hey guys and gals. I stopped posting in the home-made jeans thread a while ago because I've decided to step up my efforts. So this is the public start of my new project, Paleo Denim. It's a one man project for the most part but I do enlist other creative types for some stuff. So far my little work shop has followed me from apartment to apartment and also had a short stint at The Gear Factory studios in Syracuse, NY. Now it's back in-house as I've yet to decide what to do with my life now that I've graduated.


    My graded pattern is here and now I'm getting ready to roll out some nice product. To start with I'm going to be making some slim straights and I guess I'll play it by ear from there. Eventually the line will be all domestically sourced here in the USA. It's not really a rah- rah USA kinda thing, I'm just into supporting local economies and institutions.


    I have two sample pairs up for sale (details on the blog) if anybody's interested. I'll be taking some orders at the start of next week, the price will be relatively low while I get the kinks worked out of my process, get the word out, etc. More details on that to come.



    you can also email me at [email protected]

    Many thanks to everyone who's been supportive so far, it means a lot.

  8. starting strength is working

    Working for me too, but my arms aren't getting all that big in the process. My thighs are growing like they're fucking inflatable or something but I guess I need to do more brocep curls.

    Next week is a rest week for me, let my left knee quit bugging me. I'm going to be a nervous wreck with nothing to do by the end of the week.

  9. Might be good to have alternates incase these are too skinny for some people. I've been doing a lot of squats at the gym and I'm worried about the thigh measurement but hickory stripe is too cool to pass up.

  10. http://www.boingboing.net/2009/06/06/new-fashion-copyrigh.html

    New fashion copyright bill will let big companies own public domain designs and bury young, indie designers in legal costs

    Posted by Cory Doctorow, June 6, 2009 12:22 AM | permalink

    Miss Jess sez, "The Design Piracy Prohibition Act is very, very scary to all of us in the apparel industry. There are millions of jobs at stake if this legislation passes, and this act is simply being pushed by a handful of wealthy celebrity designers who continually pirate the 'little guys' designs anyway. Basically, this act will kill my business along with thousands upon THOUSANDS of other small, medium and large design and manufacturing businesses around the US and the world if it is passed. It's a big deal!

    Under this legislation, however, designers will need to consult with a lawyer throughout the design process to ensure that every new design created could not subjectively be found at a later date to be "closely and substantially similar" to one protected in the Copyright registry... Further, young, up-and-coming designers would be susceptible to legal intimidation from designing anything new at all, as they would likely not have the resources to fight a legal challenge in court...

    While the bill purports to keep all fashion designs that have existed in the past free and open for all to use, the legislation would allow the ability to copyright non-original design elements in the public domain if arranged in an original way.

    Moreover, since there is no test for originality, the registry will begin to be populated with designs that from the public domain. Thus, a designer who draws upon inspiration from the public domain, can easily find himself/herself stuck in costly litigation.

    This law was written by a law professor that has never practiced in court. It will mean a massive consolidation and shut down of smaller brands, not only from the copyright end but because on manufacturing networking sites the conversation is as follows.
    From an informal survey of my peers, it is more likely most of us will be retiring. I'm the youngest of my peers, I'm too young to retire so I have to find something else. Iow, what's left of the domestic brain trust, the most skilled and experienced contractors and service providers will be getting out. It's just too much grief. The last nail in the coffin. If this law passes, it may take a couple of years but there will be no manufacturing in the US at all beyond what people sew for themselves.
    Write your respective dudes. More detailed info on fashion incubator.
  11. If I get them, I will be. Chopping, sawing, pole climbing.

    Actually, my school just hosted the largest northeast collegiate woodsmen competition a few weeks ago.

    One of the hottest things I've ever seen: Really hot girl, wearing cut-off carhartts, stihl suspenders, and big ass logging boots.

    SUNY ESF per chance?

  12. when i look at the picture of the tank, the brown stuff is at the bottom and the pipe leading out to it is clear. so, it probably is some kinda filter.

    BUT, the water is not brown because of algae. why would a guy who spends this much attention to detail use a water tank with crappy brown algae in it? come on, man!

    he says he goes through the water so frequently that he really doesn't need to use the chemical, but he does it anyway to be on the safe side.

    Nonono I know it's not algae, it's probably just the sandy chemical filter (which settles on top of a much larger, nylon mesh filter right above the hose) that catches all the microbes. I've seen tanks green with algae, it's just got to do with how fast you go through your water and how good your local water processing plant is.

    That fit is bomb. Enjoy them.

  13. i was wondering why the chemical makes the water look dirty, but i think i know now.

    since it looks brown, you can tell that the chemical is in the water. otherwise, you wouldn't know if you put it in or not.

    he says it comes out of the iron clear, so maybe at a certain temperature the coloring goes away?

    For industrial steam irons you can either use distilled water or you have to use some kind of filter. My guess is that "chemical" is that kind of filter, which means it's closer to a fine sand than a substance to get mixed into solution. This gets all the little algae etc that might be kicking around in the water before it goes down the tube. He's probably had that tank for years and it's picked up color on the way, not to mention the chemical filter stuff isn't the best looking stuff in the world.

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