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Posts posted by raWorkshop

  1. last night was awful it was like my brain was misfiring. one of my co-workers told me some people he knew were getting together for dinner and i should join, my stomach had been upset all day but i decided to go anyway. i go and meet these people, who are decent people didnt really get an uncomfortable vibe from them like some of the other people ive met here, and we have dinner. we end up at this vietnamese spot and while they fucked up my order and i had to get it redone, it was really good. then after we head to some bar, while there my stomach was really hurting so i take off and go home. while im at home i take some stomach medicine and it starts feeling better. after a while i get a text from another friend and he says if i want to meet him up, he is heading to another bar, so i say sure and head out.

    once i get there, im just not feeling right, like out of it. like i eventually meet up with my friend and everywhere we went i felt really uncomfortable, even spots i frequent. i ended up spending a huge portion of teh night just randomly walking in teh rain cause my head was telling me that i didnt want to be indoors. i didnt feel like drinking, or talking to anyone, i only even danced with 1 girl and even then i just wanted to go. i dont think ive ever felt that way before, i feel perfectly fine today but damn i felt weird last night.

    [end rant]

    Sounds like some slow ass food poisoning. I've got a similar story, but I went outside and puked my brains out after only one drink. Pretty sure it was food poisoning.
  2. My opinion:

    form follows function. Anything collectible now had tremendous utility in its day - hence why old levis work wear is coveted and most people on this forum strive for the urban farmer look. (remember the $1000 ebay cowbow worn levis?) The same goes for those vintage sewing machines. It wont be long until those union specials start ending up in museums.

    My speculation - what low key brand, practically ignored by the fashion crowd exists today? Carhartt. If they start producing special edition hand made highly detailed items, i would jump all over it.

    Nobody is going to want fashionable junk like todays skinny pants just like nobody now wants 80's era parachute pants.

    If utility is a no-go i would bet on the innovators. The hard part about picking those guys out is that it usually requires years of historical context

    Carhartt Europe makes regular streetware and there are fucking thousands of those sewing machines kicking around, mostly nobody gives a shit about them. Just saying.

  3. "If beginning today all further Aryan influence on Japan should stop, assuming that Europe and America should perish, Japan's present rise in science and technology might continue for a short time; but even in a few years the well would dry up, the Japanese special character would gain, but the present culture would freeze and sink back into the slumber from which it was awakened seven decades ago by the wave of Aryan culture. Therefore, just as the present Japanese development owes its life to Aryan origin, long ago in the gray past foreign influence and foreign spirit awakened the Japanese culture of that time. The best proof of this is furnished by the fact of its subsequent sclerosis and total petrifaction. This can occur in a people only when the original creative racial nucleus has been lost, or if the external influence which furnished the impetus and the material for the first development in the cultural field was later lacking. But if it iS established that a people receives the most essential basic materials of its culture from foreign races, that it assimilates and adapts them, and that then, if further external influence is lacking, it rigidifies again and again, such a race may be designated as culture-bearing,' but never as 'culture-creating.' An examination of the various peoples from this standpoint points to the fact that practically none of them were originally culture-founding, but almost always culture-bearing."

    guess what this passage is from.

    Mein Kampf?
  4. String theory? Fuck your strings, catch a rope effect.

    But really, the only comments from my friends I get are about how they can tell it's me coming down the steps because of my boots + cuffs.

    You really do need cuffs if you're going to be riding motorcycles and don't want to look like a dork ass with your socks showing.

  5. I could be wrong, but I thought that the safety stitch was an overlock + chainstitch + topstitch all in one step..

    thanks for asking Miz! and I'm looking forward to the pics..

    Hmmm not to my knowledge but that is very common, it just requires a folder and a second machine mounted behind the overlocker.

    I'm going to be purchasing my very own safety stitch here very soon, very excited.

  6. Emm, not feeling too intellectual during finals week myself but yeah, I echo comments made and just a nit pick, you forgot the "e" in "states" near your Eco quote.

    Good job though. Everyone in this thread should come together and make a documentary + coffee table book.

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