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Posts posted by grouse_allergy

  1. There's some blood on the left thigh, but what you're probably seeing is purple paint, which matches the purple repair I did on my left pocket. The rest of the crap on the thighs is white paint from painting a gravestone for a ballet, boat resin, and holes made from spilt acid.

  2. Sorry guys new here but will sagging your jeans a little bit delay the crotch wear down? I'm not talking about half way down my butt, like a tad bit so its not like hugging my ass.

    CBK is right for the most part, I believe, but it also depends on how tight the jeans are, as moykky said. If the jeans are too tight when pulled fully up they will have quite a bit of stress put on them that way as well. I think it also depends on how you move in them when they're sagged. If you take broad steps and take 2 or more steps at a time on the stairs, they will be stressed out in the crotch quite a bit.

  3. Im not getting knee fades, dunno why. I get fading and progress in all the other areas except at the knees. Are people who have knee fades on their knees all the time or something?

    That would make sense, but I think it might also be from the knee area just being bent all the time, thus stretching the denim. I don't really understand the mechanics of fading, so that theory may not make any sense.

    When I get knee fades, they're always really concentrated right where my kneecap touches the floor when I kneel, whereas other people's seem to be more balanced. This might just be because I have big, manly kneecaps. ;)

  4. With all this talk of sizing constraints due to wide feet (which I have), I was wondering how easy is it for shoes to stretch (just from regular wear) in this regard. I ask because I have a pair of dress shoes by Cole Haan I got at a thrift shop, and every time I wear them I get the worst blisters on the knuckles of my big toes (due to the creases left by the previous owner) and I was wondering if there's a way to get rid of these creases.

  5. Bunga, you seem to produce some of the best honeycombs! Really nice job on all the jeans you've posted so far. I hope to see more from you.

    How much actual wear on those Japan lvc's? I can't imagine a pair of jeans lasting anyone 9 years. Maybe that's just because I'm a.d.d when it comes to devoting time to clothes.


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