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Posts posted by repose

  1. I have both CdG 2 and 2Man. Both are quite different. CdG2 is far too powdery and floral and dare I say a bit "feminine" (and please, let's not get into some epistemological argument of gender due to my ineptness of explicating my dislike for it). If you're a guy considering purchasing you most definitely should purchase a sample because it can be a hard sell. It'd probably smell best applied on women, let's be honest.

    Initially, I found CdG 2Man to be particularly average after reading all the acclaim it's received on this thread. I ordered some samples a few months ago and I opened it and it was just - "That's it?" That being said, however, it really just grows on you and it is a fantastic scent that changes very nicely when you wear it. Much more "masculine" or woodsy, then CdG2.

    Also on an unrelated note to the comment on deodorant. If you are looking for something that does not stain your shirts you need to make sure you are buying just deodorant that does not include antiperspirant. Sweat it out, boys. Don't put any more chemicals in you than you have to.

  2. For the next brand I'm going to shove down your throat - Eau d'Italie.

    The packaging leaves much to be desired, but the scents are outstanding. All were done by Bertrand Duchaufour (behind many of CDG's scents).

    1. Paestum Rose - a strange, woody rose with incense. Would fit nicely into CDG's Red Series. Almost like a mix between Rose, Sequoia, and one of the Incense Series.

    2. Sienne l"Hiver - smoky, dry, leathery and a bit fruity. Similar to L'Artisan Dzonkha.

    3. Bois d'Ombrie - a warm, boozy musk. My least favourite, but I can see someone loving it.

    4. Eau d'Italie - almost a citrus cologne, but more metallic and strangely a bit milky. Weird, but a good everyday cologne.

    5. Magnolia Romana - the newest, haven't smelled it yet, but will report back. Supposed to be more "leafy green" than floral.

    They come in large, white glass bottles that have grown on me a bit. Otherwise they're bound to be my favourite new brand.


    I've been interested in picking up a rose scent and the Paestum Rose you described (and info on their site) seems intriguing.

    Looks like you can purchase Eau d'Italie fragrance samples at a reasonable price (1.6 ml for $2.50; price includes shipping):


  3. Does anyone have any good CB I Hate Perfume recommendations? Particularly something light that would work well during summer heat.

    I've tried "Just Breathe", "Mr. Hulot's Holiday", "Eternal Return" and they do indeed smell a bit like handsoap... No thank you.

    However, I did enjoy "Burning Leaves" "In the Library" and "Russian Caravan Tea".

    What's some of their best scents that they offer (regardless of season)? Thanks.

  4. guys, need some rec here

    going out on a group date with some hot girls, what perfume is good for seduction?

    that can make the girls 'erect' and aroused.

    thanks bros!

    You seem like an Aqua di Gio kinda guy. And don't use it sparingly, recommended use would be at the minimum 1/4 of the bottle. Also before your big date, don't forget your L.A. Looks hair gel and striped button up.

  5. I've been wearing some Polo- Black variant for day-wear... some Davidoff- Silver Shadow for going out at night. Both I lifted a while back and are running low, not sure if I should look for something new or ride this out as long as it earns compliments.

    You should look for something new...

  6. "La Haine" is a 'dope ass french movie'. "Kings & Queen" for the epilogue. "The Diving Bell & The Butterfly" if you have the opportunity to catch that on the big screen - the cinematography in that movie was incredible. It has this murky-ocular quality to it.

  7. In a past week or so I watched:

    4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days

    Jar City

    My Name Is Albert Ayler

    Run, Fat Boy, Run

    Funny Games

    got invited to see the new M.Night Shamalamadingdong movie this week but I'm not sure if I'll have enough motivation to see it.

    I saw "4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days" 2 weeks, 4 days ago and I really enjoyed it. I was a bit worried the ending would be trite, but overall it was pretty solid. That dinner with Otilia and her boyfriends parents/family seemed to last for like 45 minutes.

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