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Posts posted by sawyer

  1. read this recently, thought it was appropriate for this thread:

    “...in real life I always seem to have a hard time winding up a conversation or asking somebody to leave, and sometimes the moment becomes so delicate and fraught with social complexity that I'll get overwhelmed trying to sort out all the different possible ways of saying it and all the different implications of each option and will just sort of blank out and do it totally straight -- 'I want to terminate the conversation and not have you be in my apartment anymore' -- which evidently makes me look either as if I'm very rude and abrupt or as if I'm semi-autistic and have no sense of how to wind up a conversation gracefully...I've actually lost friends this way.â€

    quote is from david foster wallace

  2. summed up what i think about nato straps. I love this guy. lol


    I just have a short question: What do you think about NATO watch straps? I think they look excellent on classic-looking dive watches. NATO straps give them a casual, yet preppy look. The only downside, I think, is that people who don't know anything about watches think that you’re wearing a cheap watch because of the nylon strap. Does the Snob approve?

    By “NATO†straps, I assume you’re referring to those thin strips of nylon that urban hipsters are wearing on their faux vintage military watches in a hollow attempt to emulate a more genuine era. Nylon straps obviously had their use for soldiers as a cheap, durable means to strap on a watch, but they don’t belong on any watch to which a proper leather strap can be fitted. In fact, they don’t belong on any watch that costs more than the strap itself unless it’s a Rolex Military Submariner. But then you have no choice. And if you have one of those, you can wear whatever damn strap you want.

    meh, hype always gets some reactionary backlash

    i think nato straps are a good look for field watches like hamilton or tsovet

  3. not sure where else to post this, i hope someone can give me some advice

    good friend of mine found out recently (over thanksgiving break) that his parents have decided to separate, most likely get divorced, and after that his dad confessed to the family that he had cheated on his wife. i am just unsure what to say to him, i'm at a loss when we talk. i feel bad i don't know how to proceed

    edit: bbk keep positive

    being a good listener is enough

    other than that if his dad decided to confess and come clean to his wife and family that shows some character on his part. this is cold comfort, but another way of looking at this is acknowledging the reality that relationships unfortunately often fail to meet our ideals; we are human and even while people are together it can be difficult, there are doubts and things to which we are blind. so what can be learned from the fallout? both his mother and father will need to reach out to others during their time apart, especially in the first months. i think this is a good opportunity for your friend to get closer to his parents.

  4. i saw my ex-girlfriend with another guy at a party tonight... worst experience of my life.

    i was so upset that i punched through a door and broke my hand.

    how long has it been since the break up?

  5. PA to that OkayOkay fanboy and fanboys in general, you MAD DOGGY?

    You ugly as shit with your no lip having ass. Like dawgs, get off my e dick. its the inanet fam. Like why you suck so much cock? is it cuz you buy expensive clothes and get no pussy?

    Like damn, theres certain dudes i fuck with on here and they know who they are but alot of you niggas is real pussy in real life and id put 10k on it that you are NOT bout any sort of life.

    dont live through me, do you dawgs

    i wish your perceived wealth, sex and power could change your shitty attitude

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