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Posts posted by sawyer

  1. everyone just chill and remember that gully grew up really poor but is now really rich his life is really authentic so you just have to respect and believe everything he says

    please share with superfuture more details of your liquor-soaked petty drama, it's the only excitement us plebeian drones will ever have the pleasure of experiencing vicariously


  2. [melancholia]

    saw this the other day

    very visually striking i loved that part of it, especially the "prologue". unfortunately the writing got worse as the movie went on and i was cringing at most of the lines towards the end. i also couldn't get over how von trier dug himself so deeply into the "women are a part of nature" trope.

  3. previously:

    i was high out of my mind and just always decide to fuck with this kid when i see him on the floor


    me-staring him down

    him-starts talking about something

    me-calmly tell him to shut the fuck up (staring him down whole time)

    him-some response

    me-tell him to shut the fuck up and keep his fucking mouth closed

    him-less response (milder interjection?)

    me-keep your fucking mouth shut

    him-i think one more response

    me-shut your fucking mouth and shut the fuck up

    kid was obviously scared, my roommate told me that he had confided in other students (including my roommate?) that he was genuinely afraid of me and scared that i will physically injure him

    before above incident:

    i have put a knife or some blade to his throat a few times and hit him with my hands more times (all in jest though!!!!)

    most recently:

    (still in acid brain sort of)

    me: told the kid that i know for sure now that "reality" is not real and that all feelings are just synthetic bullshit and our brains are just computers and we're no different and we're hardwired to want things, but now that i know this i do not give a shit

    him: some inane remark

    me: nooooo, i do not think you understand i do not give a shit. i do not give a shit at all. that's why i want to get a gun asap

    him:?????? why do you want a gun?

    me: need to make sure i don't die and i need to be trained to use it. i told you i don't give a shit. i have no problems pulling the fucking trigger. i told you man i don't give a shit. i need to watch out for myself and if that means killing someone else then that's how it's gonna be. i do not give a shit man

    him: i dont really remember what he said i think it was just stunned silence as i talked about how i would rape some random kid in the cafeteria because this kid just came up to our table to talk to this girl (he said he got raped on the exam)

    me: i elaborated into how this kid doesn't know the meaning of the word rape and he doesn't know who i am or even hear this conversation going on and i'm gonna make this kid know the meaning of the word rape

    the kid who i fuck with all the time lives next door to me i think he is really legitimately scared of me now. most fucked up thing i've said to someone recently. also whenever i would put a blade to his throat i would emphasize how easy it was and i was putting in no effort and i could kill him without trying

    was undecided if i wanted to put this here or in "pics that make you uncomfortable"

    decided to put it here because it's just too ridiculous

  4. mid january is good for me

    mags, dom and ed since i've started jogging indoors i've been going over the old mixes

    great stuff i am passing some of it along to other friends

  5. From what I've read (I don't actually know shit about zoology/biology so stop me if I'm wrong), the concept of pair-bonding is actually a biologicial moral innate to human beings and is crucial to our success a a species. I guess following that reasoning it's actually perfectly acceptable to look down on sluts.

    1. there are many different kinds of pair bonding

    2. no one kind is universal

    3. morals and science are two different things

    your thought is very similar to this logic:

    "it is acceptable to look down on homosexuals because heterosexuality is crucial to the success of the human species"

  6. v45teo.jpg

    i'm okay with the message but the tone and style of the writing is unbearable at times

    this book is mindblowing everyone should read this book as soon as possible


    i dunno, i've always been skeptical and less enthusiastic about this whole idea of singularity. as it stands a whole 1/4th of the world still doesn't have electricity, about 40% don't have a phone and even less have access to the internet

    the singularity is at best a rich person's fantasy IMHO

  7. right now my oppinion on the matter might be biased since i'm currently getting some on the regular. but i like when a woman has some sort of self respect and knows how make herself look attractive to others without having to rely on a super short skirt in cold weather

    too me that is on the same level of stupid as wearing a pair of leggings as pants

    i never said i disliked short skirts as a whole. that shit is dope when the season and temperatures permit you to look like you're enjoying the hot weather and not trying to be such an attention whore, while still trying to avoid getting an infection because it's actually cold outside

    redx i think you're a good guy in general but

    1. don't assume girls dress up to attract men, it's usually a competition between other women or for self-satisfaction

    2. you can't get sick from the cold

  8. you guys realize most of your attitudes towards sex are just carryovers from abrahamic religion stigma, right?

    i'm all about having self respect but that shouldn't be confused with notions about "purity"

  9. currently hating on people that use those automatic doors for disabled/handicap (even though the regular door right next to it) and people that use the elevator to go up 1 or 2 floors

    so much wasted electricity, so much laziness

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