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Posts posted by DüM

  1. yeah, Rocky can get a little boring on some of his other tracks. Peso and Purple Swag are great, but most of the other songs I have are just okay. I feel like both songs got better after seeing the videos. In a good way if that makes sense though.

    I need to check this new Young L tape out too.

  2. I think more than anything his aesthetic is the best shit out right now.

    His videos really cement everything, which is kinda important nowadays if you're going to do videos at all.

    His music is great obviously, but I wouldn't say he's the only exciting thing out. This year's been pretty great fun for rap imo.

    eagerly awaiting XXX. Danny is dope.

  3. As a designer for much smaller scale stuff than blm, $1000-2000 is to be expected.

    I mostly do portfolios, blogs, etc. where I am using a CMS to control everything. I'll often do a lot of modifying shit especially with Wordpress, I often create custom taxonomies and shit for sites where the blog-formatted backend isn't the best for the site.

    but like blm said, he's a programmer. I am a designer. My strengths are layouts, logos, css type shit. I do mysql and php though, but nothing crazy. I'm pretty interested in user-interfaces and shit, but don't know if I'll ever get into delving into real real programmer shit.

    But yeah, from scratch there's lots of work put into making a site and it's not cheap.

  4. You guys are really dropping the ball on this ahahah. I am perfectly aware of how one shows a 'picture' to a barber in order to get a desired style. I am literally asking: how would one verbally tell his barber to cut ones sides in a manner identical to the aforementioned picture?

    this is taking way too long. I'm confused that you don't get it.

    You fucking show the barber the picture and say


  5. you can backup your wordpress shit as an .xml I believe and then the sql data and you've got everything. I've done this 5-6 times and it's pretty easy.

    but remember any posts containing images will need to be fixed bevause of the url. you can run a search & replace in phpmyadmin. there are lots of tutorials for moving wordpress from server to server. google it and you'll be fine.

  6. I bought some achilles low about 3-4 years ago for around $120 and wore them the fuck out in a year or less. What a waste (on my behalf.) Vans authentics last me at least three years before I either wear a hole in the toe box or warp the sole... peasant status...

    what the fuck kinda magical feet do you have bro?

    I've been through 2-3 pairs of eras and they def don't even last me a year.

    only CP's I've had are my bball hi's though and they're going strong 2+ years atleast

  7. they are not a part of ASAP, neither are any of the rest of the dude's I mentioned. All the guys I mentioned are dudes doing the nostalgia shit (atleast imo) I was saying that ASAP isn't the only good shit in NY.

    and ASAP is early 20's, but these cats I mentioned are mostly mid-late 20's.

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