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Posts posted by DüM

  1. nah then you're just stuttering the track.

    when you chop for real, you're able to come back the first track and then you're still on beat obviously.






    not the gulliest example, but you get it haha

    you're losing words but it keeps the beat and sounds much better to me than just stuttering the track because you're rephrasing shit, just takes a little more thought obviously because words are lost.

  2. I think some of you guys are chopping kinda weird by just repeating parts.

    The best way to do it is to actually have it running in two tracks and switching between them so you lose words (this is what I like the best)

    it helps to not disrupt the flow imo

  3. I remember reading a quote from a designer saying that if you want to be a designer and you don't want to go to school (he was pretty opposed to art school) but obviously have some of the money to do so you could move away and put yourself in a position to gain some real world experience in an intern/apprentice type shit and learn that way.

    I taught myself this stuff and it looks like I'll be getting a real job with it soon, but I still feel super lucky. It's a lot more than learning Adobe. That qualifies you to make forum signatures for people. I taught myself a lot of typography shit and a shit load of web stuff which ended up being the edge I needed. I could survive off my freelance web stuff, but I don't hustle hard enough as it is with it.

    good luck bro.

    edit: if we're talking about HS, then you looking like a lil bitch right now

  4. I think it's cool that her and OF pretty much did it all by themselves. obviously later there were other hands involved in the rise, but still.

    also how many dudes are mad about these girls. u bros mad at some girls.


  5. I care, DUM!

    It's also like, it happens like mad after kissin or fuckin or what have you, so every time I do it's all-around apparent. But that was too much info for a first post. I might just have to deal with that though, and use gettoasty's advice in other situations. I was hoping there might be some weird home remedy tho ;/

    I figured that and what I'm saying is that no dudes really care. or he's thinking 'hell yeah I got this chick heated'.

    I personally like it when chicks get sweaty / red/ hair stuck to the sides of their mouths / etc

    unless maybe this is the same dude that threaded his eyebrows for you and then I don't knowwwww.

  6. kiya's post about jebbias motivation to start supreme as an art project with skaters as a subject was the best post in the discussion though. thiught that was interesting.

    no different than raf being inspired by punks is it?

  7. rain is the best, who the fuck wants the sun giving you vitamin d and other shit.

    i imagine seattle to be london's spiritually aqueous cousin. (though you have nothing on us)

    I've not spent much time in London (1-2 days) but having lived in England for 3 years and WA for 7, we're very similar in depressing weather.

    I love it.

    cheep, film > digital for lyfe. but for action shit, you wanna make sure you know your camera well (or just use flash a bunch). have fun with your rangefinder. my first real camera was my yashica rangefinder.

  8. Breaking Bad is the obligatory response. Check that out before anything else if you haven't yet.

    I don't see people rec'ing The Shield enough. I kinda wanna watch this over again more than I want to watch The Wire over again (it's not as great, but surely has more little sub-stories that I'm sure I've forgotten by now)

    Sons of Anarchy is good if you get into it and like the characters, wouldn't push it if it doesn't suck you in though.

    I've also been watching Spooks after ordo rec'd this show and I really like it. British spy show, different from my normal dramas.

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