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Posts posted by DüM

  1. I can feel that. Overall though, great release imo.

    I'm glad a lot of people are feeling his shit. I like him a lot. I guess dude's pretty polarizing, but that's the same shit that's making him stand out.

    I've noticed a lot of interaction between a lot of the rappers in this thread (MA, Action, ASAP, Danny, etc) on Twitter and it's actually really cool to see.

  2. to print something, at the very least, you'll need a good screen (mesh count matters here, you can find more info on that online as I cant help too much here) a squeegee, the emulsion and some way to expose the screen and finally the ink.

    If you're doing a bunch of shit or more than one color you'll probably want some sort of machine or bracket for your screen so you can register shit correctly every time with no hassle.

    So, if you want to print a photograph you could go full color cmyk. So you'll be separating the image into cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (photoshop). Then printing fine halftones of those and you've got a photo on your tee (like sid's westside tee)

    Four colors is four screens though and this isn't something you'd prob wanna fuck with in your garage.

    If you wanna simplify it you can just print a one-color halftone of the image. There are programs specifically for this I'm assuming. But I think I remember doing it in PS like

    Image > Mode > Grayscale


    Image > Mode > Bitmap

    pick 'Halftone Screen' and mess with the frequency and size of the dots. I don't know a shit ton about this though, there are people that do here I'm sure. You'll just have to know that the finer the halftone the finer screen mesh you'll need. You'll also need to be exposing the screens a lot more carefully than with big spot-color stuff.

    So, say you've got that all done up. You will print your image on a transparency (or multiple and place them together). I couldn't find any places that printed larger ones so I would get something printed on cheap white paper at Kinkos and then coat the paper in olive oil to make it pretty translucent. I'm not sure if this is good enough for fine halftone shit, probably not.

    Then, you coat your screen with the emulsion in a dark room. Let it dry and then place your artwork over the screen and use whatever strong lightsource you have to expose the emulsion. Then rinse the bitch off and you're ready to print.

    this is super-simplified but hopefully that helps you to get the basic idea

  3. we probably already have a thread for this, but I think I'm going to get back into fucking with it. It's fun. Probably just simple t-shirts and posters with phrases and symbols and stupid shit.

    I've done it a bunch. I can be mildly helpful if anyone else has questions. I have a few though

    T-shirt recs? We have whole threads for this too, but anything besides AAA, Kirkland, Gildan, AA that maybe is worth checking out.

    What paper do I fuck with for posters. This is something I have 0 knowledge of.

    Also, ink? I haven't messed with many different inks at all.

  4. I kinda wanna shave some of my hair off, but maybe I'll wait until I decide on what to do.

    I think this pic depicts my recent hair well, mad scientist fro


    edit: also obviously accomplished the nappiness I was looking for before by just washing less

  5. black rit definitely doesnt fad like that though. its more of a lavender pink. like this dude --> :o

    I doubt it'd lighten up the jacket though is what I'm saying. It's not going to turn a dark jacket into a lavender jacket. Either way, it was a $18 project and I like it right now.

  6. I had decided before copping the rit that if it ended up purple that was fine with me.

    And with the green/brown and I don't see it really turning too purp.

    <-- I fucks with purp though

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