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Posts posted by WillKhitie

  1. I can't believe I'm writing a review about a 25 EUR belt, but okay, here we go...


    The belt is ultra robust. Strap is made of identical material as the ones they sell to servicemen at a 1" width. The buckle operates as expected and locks to place every time with a resounding click. Accidental openings shouldn't be a problem as operating it requires thumbs. 


    If you are planning on EDCing 25kg loads in Kydex sheaths and magazine pouches, I'd worry about your pant construction more. AustriAlpin manufactures these things for climbing, military, and space, so jawnz should not be a problem.

  2. kind of off topic but does anyone have links to sites that sell cobra belts (similar to the ones they wear in the ACR lookbooks) that ship internationally? tried to find one locally but they weren't quite what I was looking for.



    This was posted awhile back:


    you can get all these and more to work with Acronym since it's originally inspired by the military. Especially the molle webbing. I've been using all of these accessories and more with my ACR for years... Your choice for different colors and load outs. Enjoy!













    Can personally vouch for the Intelligent Armour lightweight belts (last link), I recently ordered 4 for me and a couple friends.


    I'd give it the win on milspec brownie points alone. It also costs a fraction compared to any other urban-techwear-brand cobra belt out there. I can't seem to wrap my head around why the others are so pricey now, given that most of everyone's hardwear comes from AustriAlpin®.

  3. Thanks for the reply! Here in Norway we don't tip at all, so it feels kind of weird tipping! I usually bring something to eat though!


    Safe to assume that tipping isn't expected in the EU? In the process of booking an appointment at AKA Berlin and knowing would definitely help avoid any FOB faux pas. 

  4. I've washed some CH items. The grey melange doesn't fade. The black might, but it definitely doesn't as much as Epic. 


    Adding to confirm that it does fade—I lightly spot cleaned an oil-based stain on mine and there's some minor discoloration after wash. Bummed, yes. I just try to think of it as "added character" so I don't cry myself into a puddle of sorrow.


    With regards to how it performs, I've worn my P-15 CH quite regularly here in Manila 26~32c, 80%++ humidity (+ AC weather of 17~21c). I can second everyone's comments, i.e. It does mitigate swamp ass and keep you cool when needed. 


    Warmth might be a valid concern if your regular weather range is 15c~downwards.

  5. ^ Oh Mihara, why do you do dis to me? I suppose shit like this can exist in Japan.


    Can't stand it though when people think it to be a good idea to combine trends.



    I really abhor pyramid studs and the fucking Valentino resurgence that is bringing them back from the grave.


    This weird sneaker crossover is no exception.. just way too much fashunz. 

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