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Posts posted by skistar

  1. ^I know! good laughs...

    Knee surgery complications

    RIP :(

    haha so good...

    what about that one crazy bitch who freaked out because she didn't want anyone to read anything she'd ever posted online and went on a crazy rampage trying to delete everything/have sufu remove everything she'd ever posted? I miss laughing at her rambling bitchass

  2. either JIN denim or the new 18oz LHT Texas cotton later this year would be great considering the circumstances. Would we possibly be able to get our customized details at that point?

    I don't nessessarily think any of the other ideas that have been thrown around are bad per say but this started as a Samurai LHT contest and should stay that way. Nothing wrong with starting a new contest thread to mull ideas around but I think there are enough people that are seriously interested in the original concept for us to stay true to what we really want instead of compromising just to make it happen right away...

  3. does anyone want to move to sweden with me

    pending getting accepted to school I'll be heading over in August, you're free to come! I'll interpret for you and have several cousins who would undoubtedly meet your standards.

    edit: have several cousins who would undoubtedly meet your standards. (10)

  4. ^^ first i've heard of it. what year r6? do a lot of stoppies? a bunch of friends and i have tracked the crap out of '03 and '06 r6s and never had any issue like this..

    it's a 2002... no stoppies at at, it's my first bike and I take it semi easy for the most part. Scared the shit out of me though, having a hard time deciding if I want to keep it or not. I'm currently in the process of stripping the whole bike apart and checking bolts/replacing anything that looks worn down...

  5. if I'm smoking an average amount (but mainly keeping my weed to myself) 4-5 days... I can make it last a week to 10 days if I really need to though.

    vap's are pretty awesome! Use a lot less weed but you have to change it up, nothing compares to the feeling of filling your lungs with smoke!

  6. ya I registered on a few of them already and have just been looking around at different grow journals trying to find something that strikes my eye.

    I will have a minimum space of 3.5'x5'x8-9' hopefully more since we'll be looking for a new place when I move over there. I'd be perfectly happy with a couple plants if I can get a good yield since I don't really plan on selling any of my product and it's only myself and one buddy smoking regularly.

    I'm so excited to make myself self smoke sufficient!

  7. oh ya, I completely agree... Space isn't really my issue though, I'm more concerned about my final lighting system being enough for however many plants I end up growing. I'd rather spend more money and get legit lights that will only be enough for 2-3 plants than skimp on enough lights for 6-10.

    plus 2-3 plants will provide me with plenty of herb until the next harvest!

    quality>>>quantity for me!

  8. awesome, I'll check out those CMH's for sure... appreciate the input guys, luckily I have a couple months to do some more research to decide which way I'll end up going.

    and yes, I looked into hydro briefly but quickly decided that soil was the way to go for me!

  9. I'm def going for quality... legal limit is 6 plants pp and I don't foresee needing any more than that.

    by the way, I'm planning/hoping to grow white widow/ sour d/ or super silver haze (sativa dominant strains) depending on availability

  10. ya I'm stoked to move to Denver and grow a few plants with my buddy, esp since you can just pick up clones in the dispensaries... I've been reading up a bit on what direction to go with lighting and such but there's so many options!

    Anyone have experience with something they would recommend?

  11. ever weigh yourself before and after a shit? i couldn't help myself once. it seemed like a fun experiment. you lose like 2-3 pounds.

    haha I do this all the time, it's great!

    and I can't help but tv-crush on this Yu-Na Korean figure skater chick... I'm watching figure skating just waiting for them to interview her again so I can hear her super cute broken English!

  12. @amardeep:

    ya, it's a pretty sweet deal! I'm still a Swedish citizen (well dual Swedish and Swiss) but this is the last year that non EU (and Swiss) students will be accepted with no tuition fees. Not sure what the tuition fees will be like in 2011 but they should still be fairly cheap. The majority of masters programs are taught in English, while the undergrad programs are almost exclusively taught in Swedish. It's hard to say how they will value a US degree against a similar education in Sweden but I'll let you know in May when I find out if I get accepted or not!

    check out www.studyinsweden.se for all the info you could ever want!

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