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Posts posted by skistar

  1. ^haha so good.

    me either. im just gonna get stoned and drunk and try not to fall over.

    sounds like me at every random function with free booze. make it count when it's free!

    random CWG on the news feed today:


    yes, I do.

    edit: screen capture is cropped and everything... wtf spacing.

  2. thinkfilm (I think was the username), while short lived, also had an epic meltdown regarding a similar theft situation in the market. Gotta love watching people just completely loss it because of some internet bullshit!

    and on a more recent note the fucktard that paid thousands for some designer watch and then had some major buyers remorse and claimed it was fake but wouldn't post pictures... He kept saying if the guy could prove it was real he'd send him another $3000 and the watch or some crazy shit like that. They went back and forth for a good 10 pages!

  3. what about AgentJ's bitchassness?!!

    he now has a full rep bar too (hopefully due to the photography thread because he is a total fuck up)

    I believe he once said he'd kill someone in front of their own mother for a pair of Dior jeans... WOWWWW

  4. how much for one of these sharpstones, and where2kop online?


    $20 shipped, possibly the best MJ related investment you could make!

    I'm about 2 weeks into a break and am really craving some herb. Staying at my parents house for a while taking care of my pops online business while they are in Costa Rica but I think I may have to try to find someone around here that has something decent...

  5. hahaha yes!!! I remember that shit. classic.

    for anyone lucky enough to have missed this era of sufu (sorry it's lengthy as fuck):

    I have recently obtained a high-profile job for next year. They literally call it the "fish bowl," because your actions are being watched by hundreds of students. Today, my supervisor asked that all of us on staff "clean up our MySpace and Facebook" of anything incriminating.

    While my Facebook and MySpace are already clean due to high traffic, I feel as if my Sufu life is a tad more private. That said, I have been a lot more bold and personal on here than on other sites that I post on.

    Since, technically, no one sharing my IP address can join Sufu, there would be no one from my college actually part of this site, but it can still be seen by anyone who ventures onto it.

    I also think it's an appropriate time to bow out since, despite my efforts to coexist in harmony with other users and take this site more "seriously," I am increasingly being ignored.

    On a ftb2 note, I find myself somewhat addicted. I guess I keep hoping that this will somehow turn into a normal "fashion forum" experience, that I will be able to post a fit and only get critiqued only for the fit, not for other things, but it seems that any and all efforts to post a fit are welcomed with mixed reviews at best.

    With so much work to do, it's surprising I post here at all. I guess I am losing a little sleep here and there just to catch up.

    That said, I am asking any moderators reading this to please BAN me, as it takes too much time for me to simply go back and delete all my posts. Maybe someday I will find a fashion forum that has the good points of Sufu (honesty and no fakeness) but the good points of some of the other forums, too (acceptance of various styles, etc.)

    Thanks to all the people who believed in me, even bumping me to green a few times. I was always on the border...

    To those of you who gave me red, I am not sure why you would say some of the awful and hateful things you said (I mean, stuff I wasn't even deserving of, even though I did stir up the pot from time to time). I don't know what's wrong with some people, but I am not going to waste any more time trying to figure it out.

    Thanks for the entertainment -- t'was fun while it lasted!

    or, one of the best ones:

    for being so ugly, I sure have a good life

    ok, I'm done.

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