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Posts posted by bernt

  1. I've bought so much useless shit instead of buying a new cell phone. Almost every time I open the thing, it randomly scrolls through the recent calls or contacts menu, then auto dials someone.

    Playing Call of Duty 4 certainly is more fun than being able to call people, though.

  2. Damn, I forgot about this show. The last episode I saw, he tossed the body in the bathtub and it melted through the floor.

    I've got to get on some downloading of these episodes. How many did I miss?

  3. In Pittsburgh we get smokes for free.... the cigarette reps come to bars and ask ppl who are smoking what their favorite brand is and then give them a few free packs. Its nice.

    I got 3 packs of Kool recently. They taste bad, but for free, it's worth it.

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