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Posts posted by bernt

  1. Never seen it, but the wikipedia says shit about simulated rape. I've done that shit, but it's a little too weird for me. I was covering her mouth with my hand and telling her to shut the fuck up and stop moving, then I would reach back and slap her if she squirmed. She told me that was the best sex of her life.

  2. yall choke your bitches?

    If I'm on top, I like to think i am a considerate du, and I will sometimes do that elbow resting thing where you wrap your hands from behind her shoulders, and prop yourself up slightly so you don't crush them. My massive 127lb body will do that to mad petite chicks.

    Depends on the girl. My ex was into some crazy shit. I would choke her, slap her, pull her hair, bite her, and pin her down. I cut her with some glass once and she went nuts and loved it.

    My girlfriend now likes hair pulling, and light biting, but that's about it. Shit's boring for me now.

    EDIT: kunk, I'd +rep if I could, hahaha

  3. marlboro27kw3.jpg

    If I'm angry or annoyed, I usually just smoke a cigarette and calms me down for a while.

    If I'm just trying to kick back and relax, I play call of duty if I'm alone, and hit the streets and walk around if I'm with people.

  4. I have the worst fake laugh. It's generally a "heh..." accompanied by a facial expression that I am told can make any person want to hang themselves because they feel so stupid.

    Actually, most of my facial expression cause awkward moments. My default facial expression generally looks like I am thinking, "Why the fuck are you talking to me?" If I am the slightest bit annoyed (like at work, most of the time), I'm told I look like a serial killer.

  5. basically, and fuck any generation that wasn't this. 87-91 style.

    I was all about the legos, ninja turtles, nintendo, and the upstairs neighbor girl.

    I talk to youngins now, and they don't have shit. Fuck them.

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