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Posts posted by frank

  1. dino might, how much did your regular 710s stretch? im thinking about getting a pair (i hope 2nd doesnt have the fucked waist sizes) and im thinking about sizing down one to a 28.

  2. Urine has stiff retaining properties that emulate that of another compound known as "starch". However, the extraction of urine is easier and much less expensive than that of starch. To use urine, simply drench the jeans, hang dry, and voila, stiff jeans. This process can be repeated every day. All one needs to do is grab a bottle of Arrowhead water, drink it, and wait 2-4 hours. Then you'll have a fresh supply of urine to use on your jeans.

    Or... you can forget about rigidness, soak your evisus, wear them, and fade the fuck out of them.

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