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Posts posted by alexryb

  1. KVA is still in there.

    to be honest, he really isn't doing a horrible job-- he has his moments where the clothes just work. he's gotten better since 2008, in my opinion. the shadow of slimane is really what throws people off.

  2. i tried playing world of warcraft, but i really didn't like it. the whole time i was thinking about my cousin from california who plays WoW something like eleven hours a day. he's one of those kind of kids.

    i don't think i'm much of a video game person at all. i played the shit out of my n64 when i was younger, though, so i usually win at mario kart-type games.

  3. is apc the most "entry level" of decent raw denim?

    i always saw it as the french levi's. after wearing some dior 19cm, i still like apc's better. maybe someday i will choose another brand, tho.

  4. i use to do this thing when i was really bored last summer where i would blaze, turn some music on real loud, and then watch my roommate's huge flat screen on mute.

    it was interesting, i got some good lines of writing out of some of the stuff. every once in a while one of those "starving kids in africa" commercials would come on and, like, rap or dubstep was playing.

    the things i do to amuse myself

  5. my first session was followed by my first cigarette and my first beer, then my friend drove me home on the interstate in mid-November while listening to Modest Mouse.

    I was fifteen, and this night changed my life. It was the first time I hung out with my friend who I now talk to on the phone at least once a day.

  6. omg, wat is going on

    Don't be shy...

    2 polls actually, sex m/f & age group

    Don't be shy...

    2 polls actually, sex m/f & age group

    Don't be shy...

    2 polls actually, sex m/f & age group

    Don't be shy...

    2 polls actually, sex m/f & age group

    Don't be shy...

    2 polls actually, sex m/f & age group

    Don't be shy...

    2 polls actually, sex m/f & age group

    Don't be shy...

    2 polls actually, sex m/f & age group

    Don't be shy...

    2 polls actually, sex m/f & age group


    SUFU: the message board that rapes together stays together.

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