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Posts posted by Phyziks
Smoked blunts, got drunk, went to the Brother Ali show at the Wreckroom, then ate poutine and called it a night. ^ Similar to this guy, but no strippers. Did you go to Filmore's?
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with one click of my mouse I closed a massive chapter of my life...and opened an even bigger one.
Finally pulled the trigger on the Bangbros membership?
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I would invent butt love with females. Shotgun anus!
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Get my fucking phone number off the interwebs.
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Everyone has one of those, man. After you go through one bad one, you start to realize there are WAY too many people in the world to let just one fuck with you like that. At the end of the day, you need to look out for #1 (yourself...).
Realizing self-worth is potentially the greatest advice I can give to anyone. Unless you completely fucked your girlfriend over (in which case you probably wouldn't care if you were together or not), then don't put up with the bullshit. I used to be like that too. I would put in sooo much effort to get very little in return, but I was happy to accept it. After putting in all my effort and still getting shat on, I just called it quits. I realized there are plenty of women out there that would be grateful to be with someone like me, and it's helped immensely.
It's not about being a player, or being cold to girls or any of that stupid shit. It's about treating someone the way you want to be treated. If you put in effort and the other person isn't reciprocating, then bounce. Why put up with that?
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Also, the important thing to note is that it really doesn't change much about how the relationship will go now that I think about it. Thanks for the advice. I'm going to get into a "relationship" this weekend hopefully.
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I guess I'm just judgemental. And a hypocrit. Considering I definitely fuck on the first date. I guess I just like the challenge when I vibe well with a girl, and she doesn't sleep with me right away. I like working for things I suppose.
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technically, the girl of my dreams doesn't bang on the first night
technically, the girl of my dreams doesn't bang on the first night
technically, the girl of my dreams doesn't bang on the first night
technically, the girl of my dreams doesn't bang on the first night
technically, the girl of my dreams doesn't bang on the first night
LOL. This is actually hilarious. I'm simply saying I don't think I'll be marrying and having children with a woman who I banged the first time I met her. Hey, I could potentially be missing out on someone who is a great person, but that's just how I am I guess.
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Yes, I would. Technically, the girl of my dreams doesn't bang on the first night, so that wouldn't be an issue. I'm speaking from my own experience, but girls I've slept with on the first night have either been one-night stands or progressed no further than fuck buddies. Girls I've actually been in long-term relationships with, are people whom I knew for a while before even dating them.
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^ This. When I say early, I mean within like the first week or two. Have at least 3 solid dates with the guy if you actually want a relationship with him. If you're just out at a party and want to get laid, do whatever you want. I'm saying this from the way I perceive things.
I've never been in an actual relationship with a girl whom I slept with on the first date/first night meeting her. I'm not saying it's impossible to form a relationship after that, but if I didn't have to get to know you much before sleeping with you, that kind of throws up a red flag that you're not wifey material.
Also for the ladies: Don't try to play games. Oh, so you're dating me, but also talking to another guy? Trying to get me jealous? I'm not going to fight for you if you're doing shit like that. There's actually a lot of decent girls out there that will put effort into forming a relationship with one person. If it doesn't work out, move on.
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I climb at Joe Rockhead's in Toronto. Climbing 5.10+ indoors, bouldering what I believe are v3's. I've been at it for about 3 months now. Can't wait to go outdoors once it heats up. I have a Petzl Adjama harness and Scarpa Force shoes.
Also have a minor pulley injury on my ring finger on my right hand. I'm pretty sure it was from the 2 finger pockets. Going to get some bouldering in today to see how it's feeling.
If you guys want to watch an amazing climbing video, check out Progression.
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any advice for girls?
Just be cool I guess. What I want in a girl, is to be able to hang out and enjoy each others company. Definitely don't give it up early. If a guy gets sex without really working for it, he will never look at you as someone to be in a serious relationship with.
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posted this in super confessional, but guess it belongs here
Broke up with my girl bout two months back. Dated for two years. Still think about her all the time, still think about her all the damn time.
Done all of the requisite things, seeing other people, laid the pipe down several times, working on myself, but she is still always on the back of my mind.
I suppose it does not help that we've spoken a couple of times, and she's told me she still considers me the love of her life, and all this other bullshit.
Getting lunch with her on Monday...probably is not the best idea, but I don't know. The prospect of seeing her makes me want to simultaneoulsy vomit, and jump for joy. And i've felt that way since Friday, when we made these plans.
I have a huge feeling she will cancel though, trying to mentally prepare myself to take that if it comes, and play it cool, rather than get desperate and whiny.
Time heals all wounds eh
Time does heal all wounds. Going for lunch and talking to her intermittently is not giving yourself time.
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i wanna send based god a beat, can anyone help me out with who to contact?
My friend has made some beats that Lil' B rapped on. Next time I see him I'll ask how he was able to send them to Lil' b. He got a shoutout on the track too.
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i guess i like exploring this new sort of scene, and i'm impressed with people who are deep into it but are not total drugheads
What exactly are you inspired by then? You're impressed a girl has her life together, and this inspires you to go to underground drug parties?
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What you really need is a new roommate. I have a friend who is moving out because it takes their roommate too long to take the garbage out. Shitting in the bath? GTFO immediately.
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The real question here is: What kind of grown man takes baths? Seriously? Maybe if you're an athelete and taking a steam bath, or bathing in epsom salts to relax the muscles. Actually soaking in a tub full of your own dirt for the purposes of getting clean though? Ludicrous. Maybe it's a French thing.
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i hope the girl is fucking someone else already because premo just blew my mind at how oblivious/dumb he is.
Honestly. How is that not obvious. Just go to her place with a bottle of wine and smash that ass.
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"i'll hit ya up over the weekend, i already miss FUCKING your face, basedgod bitch.
" - Fixed. This would have avoided any problems.
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^ Damn man, me too. I just got out of a 1.5 year relationship with someone I thought I would be spending the rest of my life with. I ended things with her a few months ago (after a bunch of shit happened), and started seeing this girl. She's such a great person, but something seems to be missing there. Maybe I jumped into things with her too soon after my breakup, but I really don't know. I don't feel the need to go out with other girls or anything, so it's definitely not that...
It might be my view on things now. After putting so much into a relationship and basically making it my life, then having it crash down on my head. After that, maybe I just don't have the will to put in as much effort into this relationship, and that's probably why I'm not getting as much out of it...
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think i'm catching feelings for this girl and i'm worried i might be rushing into things a little too fast. we met on new year's and hit it off ..
If she's introducing you to friends and stuff, she definitely likes you a lot and is looking for more than just hooking up. I would also give it a little while longer before dropping the exclusive talk, even though I'm 100% positive you are mutually exclusive already. This is because you still want to be a challenge for her. If you tell her that you're completely invested in her, her interest level in you might drop.
As much as I hate using terms like that that come out of dating books, it's very true for the first couple months of a "relationship". I'm in a similar situation myself.
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just realised recently that we are constantly and permanently craving more food than we need, too much Calories, too much fat and sugar,
so i decided to eat healthy now, starting to eat salads at lunch instead of burgers, limiting bread at only one or 2 slices per lunch instead of haft of the whole thing, no more desserts and fat or only like 1 or 2 times a month,
well just started this week to really eat healthy food, take the time to prepare lunch box at home and i feel so good, much more energy, good mood, losing fat on body ect.
You should throw in some exercising too. Lifting weights and running. I currently go to the gym, and rockclimb. It really pairs well with eating healthy and making it your lifestyle instead of a fad diet. The other good thing, is when you exercise frequently you can eat shit that might not be great for you but still get away with it.
Also, I'm craving thai red curry. I just so happened to make some last night, and will enjoy destroying it for lunch.
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dovo dating club
in supertrash
Q: How can you tell if a person is vegan?
A: Don't worry, they'll let you know.
My girlfriend is vegetarian. She doesn't try to push it on anyone. It's her personal choice, and she keeps it that way. Tell her you prefer eating meat. It's really that simple.