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Posts posted by joelz

  1. went for a walk in gowanus brooklyn



    these guys seem to be liars


    Poked into Brooklyn Boulders to see what was going on (it's a massive indoor climbing gym)


    spotted this new piece by swoon


    thought about parking my (nonexistent) bike by a bike


    checked my daylight


    found a taxi graveyard


    and laughed at some hipsters


  2. first up - i got your messages, thanks tillman!

    second: regarding cheating/altering/whatever changes to the jeans - i say we let them all be. if someone wants to personalize the jeans in whatever way they want (tapering a la tg76 or sandpapering or whatever) let them - in the end we'll see how the jeans turn out, and we should all have fun along the way.

    I'm not really for all the rules, I just hope we can encourage photos that update the progress over time.

  3. on sunday i met up with other friends and walked around soho

    avoided an early morning snack


    was happy about the weather


    walked over to the west side


    spotted one old sweet ride


    headed east to more tree-lined streets



    found this new piece by clown soldier


    spotted a sweet new ride


    and took some good advice


  4. .

    This pic is originally from Moulded Shoe in NYC. Does anyone have any experience with them? Looks like they do some nice custom orders with Alden. Significantly less hype than Leffot or Leather Soul it seems


    they do modified last only. it's a way different store than leffot or leather soul, much more utilitarian than designy (like those other stores are, tho no offense). they definitely do some nice things.

  5. Honestly ... not that much of a difference.

    I've got a bunch of shots from the 1.8 here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/joelzimmer/sets/72157622214742827/

    and from the 1.4 here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/joelzimmer/sets/72157626645207880/

    keep in my cameras changed over time in there.

    Truthfully tho - figure out your needs - how often are you going to take pictures/how often do you take pictures? if it's going to sit around and gather dust, spend less and get either the 1.8 or 35mm

    if you're going to shoot a lot and take it seriously, then go for the 1.4, but if you're going to do snapshots, it's probably not worth it to get the 'best'

  6. yep, the d40, d60, d3000, and a few others in the lower first number (anything below 7) don't have an autofocus motor in the camera so you need to defer to the lens to do autofocus for you.

    to add to the difference conversation:

    50mm 1.4 has better (metal) construction over the 1.8 (which is plastic), it can let a little more light in

    The 35mm 1.8 has the benefit of basically being a 1:1 match to what you see because your camera has a crop factor (it has to do with the size of the sensor, it's fine), so if you want that, then it's awesome. If you want to zoom in on things, then it may not make sense. The 50mm will zoom in a little due to the crop factor.

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