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Posts posted by joelz

  1. There need to be better rules around the swap - how much to spend, limits on when you send by, and actual repercussions from not going in. i like the idea of a 'qualifying' swap where you send a small package to people as a sign you are in.. but at a minimum we should (and i'm sure you are doing this) limit entry if you dropped the ball in some way.

  2. definitely going to have to second everything Yardsale says, once you get some momentum it's sort of terrifying how quickly you get new followers, and how big milestones (another 1,000 followers or something) gets farther away.

    I posted a while ago on tumblr about this here http://everyday.joelzimmerphotography.com/post/3791096535/how-to-get-ahead-on-tumblr, but basically:

    find a topic (or an idea or *something*) you are passionate about

    post often (not too often, more regularly) about it

    be consistent, don't over post or under post or you'll see major fluctuations

    as you post more and do stuff you'll get more attention and once that happens you just get more people.

  3. damn -z-, can't rep but looks like you are having an awesome time there!

    shots from my weekend

    heard the bell so I knew I could get out of (non-existent) school


    and hopped into my ride (man I wish)


    actually, headed into manhattan to shoot engagement photos for a friend of mine around the meatpacking district, so inbetween taking 400 odd photos of them I took a bunch for me too


    shopping cart by olek


    craved a drink


    found a sweet wheatpaste by billi kid


    not sure who this is by..


    same deal with this one


    went up on the highline


    came off to a bit of insight from elbow-toe


    incidentally, I'm thinking about a street art related thread, would anyone else be interested in that? something along the lines of "that's not banksy - a street art guide"

  4. walked up from work (financial district) to soho yesterday to meet friends & the gf for drinks

    from wall st


    to tourists


    said goodbye to the towering skyscrapers


    didn't need help crossing


    found some street art by space invader


    chatted up some ladies


    interrupted a conversation


    thought about bright things


    and sadder days


    then read the signs and was done


  5. Like what a ton of people have said here, you may not need a full on website built out. There's enough services out there for ready made sites (squarespace, wordpress, movabletype, tumblr even, carbonmade) and shops (shopify, etsy, bigcartel) that you probably don't want to go through the hassle of building something out like that.

    Basically, there's a lot of free(ish) stuff out there that you could cobble together with a reasonable amount of research. Otherwise I'd guess someone would give you an estimate of like 500-800 for something easy, probably more as it gets more complex

  6. joelz, where was the first pic taken? it's incredible

    first pic was at a sufjan stevens concert in prospect park (brooklyn), they threw out all these clear balloons into the crowd (which is why I have so many photos of them) and during a slower part of the song people were holding them waiting for him to bring it back up to speed.

  7. Facebook will almost always ruin the quality no matter what size so i never resize them anymore. Ive even uploaded a picture resized using flickr and it still messed up the quality. If you want to try it though just resize it to 640x480 which i think is the default size and use the specific sharpener in photoshop for resizing...I forget what its called.

    I don't upload to facebook for that reason, also there's this part of their terms of service: http://consumerist.com/2009/02/facebooks-new-terms-of-service-we-can-do-anything-we-want-with-your-content-forever.html

    basically... once you upload it to them, it's theirs. So don't upload your photos to them.

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