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Posts posted by FUCK

  1. I wanted one of the cardigans, hopped on at 12 exactly, it was already gone.

    exactly what i was looking at. i'm thinking they may not have had any in stock because as soon as the sale opened, there was only xl available. oh well, not losing any sleep over it.

  2. haha glad we all agree with each other!

    and hal, I totally agree with you on the catcher in the rye example. Aside from it being my least favorite Salinger book, (i'm not saying its bad), people put it and Holden Caulfield on a pedistole, simply because it affirms their own particular view instead of challenging it. I feel this is a similar case in Atlas Shrugged.

    anyway, nice chat.

  3. It routinely comes in either first, or second to the bible, in surveys on most influential or most popular books.

    I see where you're coming from and upon further investigation.....

    Well I'll be. I just saw Amazons Library of congress list and its number 2 in terms of popularity. Its worth nothing some of the other books as well.

    Also, I suppose, how influential a book is depends on the context it is being used. I could see it being influential for successful people or those finding a liberating, non dogmatic empowerment , but in terms of Atlas Shrugged influencing or perpetuating the future of great, original literary works is bogus.

    Sorry! I just have my qualms with this book.

  4. Im reading Atlas Shrugged and the Bible. I figure, that, if they are the two most influencial books in human history, I should just read them both at the same time and see where it takes me.

    I'm 80% though Atlas, and still in the Old Testament. I don't know who is more wordy, Moses or Ayn.


    Atlas Shrugged could have been done in about 400 pages. Way too repetitive and drawn out.

    Loved Fountainhead though. I recommend that if you haven't read it already.

    Reading two polarizing books, very interesting, but i think stating Atlas Shrugged is the most influential book in human history is a gross exaggeration.

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