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Posts posted by FUCK

  1. I saw Dear Hunter. Kinda suck. Deerhunter aren't much better and Bradford Cox is a weirdo

    SY @ McCarren August 30th. Just saw Black Keys @ McCarren on thursday

    Deer Hunter...i think. I checked out their recorded stuff, but didn't really care for it, but live was another story.

    Anyone go to the pool today? didn't really have any desire for a folky show and the weather was dubious. The felice brothers are huge in my old area and haven't really gotten into them.

    anything worth checking out this week in bklyn?

    I'd like to see wilco, but don't want to shell out $40.

    Probably going next sunday for aesop, but depends on the crowd.

  2. i've been putting off listening to this for a bit now. i don't recall really caring for their last release, not sure if i'll make the effort for this, but maybe. seems to be getting lots of praise.

  3. Is it true that nyc sounds can be distinguished by borough? Brooklyn is surely eclectic as all hell, but I've heard generalities like, "Manhattan has mostly noise bands", etc

    Sorry to leave your question unanswered. I've found that many of the bands who play in Bklyn will do another show across the river either the next day or a few days later. In terms of bands based out of the the borough, I don't think i could accurately answer that! Brooklyn has had a lot of bands experimenting with multi-cultural influences, but also has many bands influenced the late 80s early 90s punk scene. I don't know, i feel theres an amalgom of sounds wherever you go! how's that for a vague answer?

    And I am listening to:


  4. i only read the last circle and a day in the life. enjoyed it to a degree, but it got a little repetitive. one of my literature teachers believed the main reason he got the Nobel Prize was for political reasons; however, I would have to read more to agree with this. either way...rip

  5. I'll be there for black lips ..

    Also on Aug 9th Friday .. Growing is playing at death by audio in BK .

    Heard some new songs off their album , and im excited as always..

    black lips were great as usual; however, deerhunter really blew me away.

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