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Posts posted by breams

  1. Seriously though, there's a lot of jobs where you can make decent cash (really depends on your definition of decent). And if you don't enjoy your job, and don't see yourself enjoying it in the future, I'd have to say to look for a new one, then quit. You're single and not quite settled in with your life yet, so there's really not a lot of risk - if you find another job with similar pay, chances are that something will be better (unless you straight up just hate your new co-workers). If that happens, just find another job again til you're satisfied. Basically, the longer you hold out at a job where you're not gaining any skills or have no desirable career path, the harder it's going to be to find that new job.

  2. american gladiators was the shit back then.. I always wanted to do that final obstacle course where u have to run up the escalator, climb the rope ladder, swing from that long wire then dive through the bullseye sheet at the end.. shit looked hella fun. I think that was the eliminator. That and Jousting..

    Ive already been on Video & arcade top 10 ( for those who remember it)

    I still think the obstacle courses on Sasuke (as someone has posted videos in here of) are crazier than American Gladiator, though I think only one guy has been able to clear them all?

    Man, I remember watching V&A Top 10. Now that was a show on a budget. Nicholas Piklaus?

  3. Didn't want to post the image directly because it's so huge, and didn't think it belonged in the online store coupon thread, cause it's not for online use. The deal is 15% off at H&M for purchases exceeding $29.90 before tax. Only valid in Canada and until December 20th. I have not personally verified this, unfortunately.

    * Mods, if you feel this doesn't require it's own thread - feel free to junk it.


  4. I agree with the R4 if you have no soul, but otherwise from your list all I can say is to /not/ buy Contact. I bought it thinking it would be like Earthbound, and only ended up playing it for like 30 mins (who knows, maybe it is like Earthbound, but I didn't play it for very long). I can't believe you don't have Tetris and Mariokart on that list either!

  5. Breams, did you just make that up?

    I heard it before, but am not sure of the correct terminology. Just quickly googled it up now, and it's more or less the same explanation...

    World Wide Words states that these types of clothing (pants, underwear, shorts, tights -- or the equivalent terms for them) were made in two parts. One part for each leg, then belted in the middle, somewhat like chaps on cowboys. Over time, they ended up as one piece of clothing, but the habit of referring to the old "pair" persisted.

  6. Way back in the day, pants as we know them did not exist, and were basically a pair of shorts, with garters connected to hose. The hose were like long socks basically (which we still call a pair -- there are two of them), but eventually the design involved into a single piece, like the pants we see today. We still call them a pair though, just cause.

  7. I can do the squat, but I don't like to. For young people doing it, I always think they're trying to look like badasses, and for the older people, I always think of the type of guys doing it as the same guys that wear a pair of trousers with thong sandals. If my legs are that tired, I can find something to lean on rather than sitting on the ground, or squatting.

  8. battletoads= was, is, and will always be a fucking joke.

    Anyone who has played Battletoads for the SNES knows that this game is no joke. Goddamn impossible. I don't even think that they bothered to code any levels beyond the jet bike (3rd level) stage and that the screenshots in the manual are a big hoax.

  9. If you're putting "no effort into this", why do you seem so very defensive and continue to try and make me give in?

    And if you want to talk about grammar, your sentence is missing a comma, which is resulting in a misplaced modifier. You're making it sound like your job is watching Southpark. If you want it to be correct, you should have typed .

    And have you watched Entourage? Truthfully, I enjoy it very much. I'm assuming you're someone who hates it because you think it stands for stupid Americans who just love reading People and find Britney Spears' life so amazingly interesting. If not, I respect your opinion.

    Thank you, come again.

    - Ben

    A comma splice occurs when two independent clauses are joined by a comma with no conjunction. For example:

    It is nearly half past five, we cannot reach town before dark.

    It is usually considered an error in both British and American English. It is condemned in The Elements of Style.

    Can we please leave grammatical errors out of this and get back to the task at hand?

  10. Ok, now I've looped that sample from Seinfeld with George's answering machine and left the handset by the speakers. Doesn't solve my problem, but it does make me feel a little bit better. (currently 2:22:42)

  11. I've been on the phone in queue to talk to tech support for my ISP as my internet hasn't been working for the past 2 days at home. My phone currently reads 2:00:52 and my internet currently works now (started to work while I've been waiting), but had been intermittent a few days before. I wonder if the phone batteries will die out before someone picks up the phone.

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