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Posts posted by poshpol

  1. lol vr70sik... im bassACE on mr. i sent u a long message a while back on MR about my Volvo S70. u never replied

    and nesk... i know quite a few of the guys at automotion, alex, marco, greg spikey, avo etc.. havent been by there in a long long time though.

  2. i didn't show up to the diplo thing... i was pretty tired from shopping and exploring your fine city. i like it so much that i will be returning this weekend and probably the next one as well. i followed most people's advice and checked out del phic, sydneys, nomad, blu tnt, holt renfrew and some others. all of em were pretty sweet in their own way :P

  3. if you're talking about the same Diplo that did a cd with MIA a couple years back, then that shit is sick.... is it too late to get tickets and is it really gay only? maybe ill just stick to shopping in the day.

  4. "All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go

    I'm standin' here outside your door

    I hate to wake you up to say goodbye"


    That all looks amazing. I think i might reconsider my trip to europe this summer and perhaps go experience something new instead :D

  5. I'll be coming from Montreal to LV next week for SEMA. 9-5 work and 5:01-4am play.

    Do any of you know about any parties worth going to? I'm sure there is stuff going on everywhere...but I'm looking for the low down.

    Ill be staying at the flamingo. Where are all the best sneaker shops?

    are you on montrealracing? :P

  6. Hiraganas , Katakanas

    I'm starting from scratch. To me, those are swords :P

    I'll look up those charts :D I hear that reading/writing skills are developped further down the line and that it's quite complex?

  7. Can someone teach me how to use the Rosetta Stone? I downloaded one that is loaded with different languages but as for learning from it, it's not very effective so far. When I select a language, the whole lesson is in the language and there are no instructions other than clicking on pictures, listening to a pronunciation and match said picture with phrase.

    Once I acquire my copy,;), i'll look into it :P

  8. Cool. Apparantly the Rosetta Stone line of PC tutorials is pretty effective as well...

    I can't really help you since I've never taken Japanese but on a side note, my friend who's taking Japanese in college supplements his lessons with those Pimsleur audio cds and he said they help (speaking/listening-wise at least).
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