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Posts posted by sunkenshoes

  1. These pictures aren't much representive for the new line. I've seen some of the pieces from this collection in person already; like the m65-esque jacket and the long shirt with the pockets. I really loved those pieces. Allthough, it really ain't refreshing or fashion forward.

  2. not really. the waist is perfect already and the tighs have like half an inch of room left. I never had any of this with my other jeans that fit even tighter.

    fucking camera broke down on me. I think it's the starch that's causing it. Will a cold soak get the starch out?

  3. I've been wearing my 5010's for just a day and the outerseams of the legs, at the combs, are showing already. I can actually see the thread. Is this a bad thing? Or is it normal?

    Nobody understands this lingo probably, I will take a picture.

  4. It's more about how you wash your jeans. Regular 5010xx denim is a bit "greyish" so it seems lighter in color compared to some really dark denim so it could seem more overall fade.

    Could you tell me more on how I'm supposed to wash my 5010's to get that contrast?

  5. Another washing question:

    I've been reading about washing and soaps in various topics, but there are some things I still don't understand. I see people wash mostly with Dr. Bronners or any other type of all organic soap. Would those soaps prefent the jeans from losing much indigo or dark color, (besides that it's better for the jeans to use a detergent without those empa-whatevers)? Like special dark detergents do? And what about special denim detergents, are they pretty much the same as an organic soap? And why do people put salt in the water when washing/soaking jeans? Is that to keep the color? Thanks and rep in advance.

  6. Ok so I got this pair of jeans that I bought back in june. I haven't worn those more than 3 days a week and most of the time not more than 5-6 hours a day. Now they've come to the point that they're bagged out pretty ugly and they smell a little; just when you smell really good or when they're damp from the rain. They haven't got that much wear yet, though. Is it wise to wash these jeans? Or would I be better of soaking them? And would a soak effect the color of the jeans? Or would this be less notacible than when they're washed?

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