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Posts posted by Ichigo100%

  1. I used to listen to the raskals a lot cuz they were the shit back then. Once they broke up, canadian hip hop went downhill.. It's extremely hard to get exposure around here.. Your lucky enough to get some air time on tv..

    Seriously though, after 1999, it was a total meltdown for cdn hip hop..

    You have choclair who at one point was pretty consistent( during his time with the raskals, then got shot down).. Kardinal has been staying consistent..

    Other mentionable artists:


    Season aka Shaun Booth


    K'naan- he's pretty damn good imo..

    Ghetto Concept

  2. Billy :D.. Good stuff man. You're real good I must say.. Pissed me off the first couple games lol

    edit: Anyone who plays Bomberman and who owns a PS3, please download the online full version plz =)

  3. I can wear xs in uniqlo, not sure if that helps.

    I'm not too familiar with Henrik V at all to be quite honest.. However I am looking for a more fitted type look..

  4. In my opinion, before buying anything I would probably find out what your skin type is (dry, oily, normal) then looking into whether or not you have sensitive, normal, or rough.

    I usually use Nivea or shiseido for men.

  5. Charles bronson would destory eastwood..

    Entire death wish series > Eastwoods entire career (with the exception of dirty harry and Good bad & Ugly and the fact that he's an acclaimed director)

  6. I don't know if this site has been mentioned but:

    www.watchanimeon.com has an awesome selection of both classic, underground and new animes.. It's like crunchy roll but fuck crunchy roll be a bitch sometimes..

    i'm going to recommend an anime I'm currently watching right now, it;s called 07-Ghost.

    Anybody know of any good horror/psychological thriller type animes? I watched quite a few in the past (blood+, elfen lied, etc etc)

  7. This is some homo type discussion..

    It's not like you'd be staring at the thumb while your layin down the pipe (unless u have some fetish or some shit).. Plus it doesn't even look that bad in comparison to other shit..

    I'd fuck megan fox straight up.

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