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Posts posted by aziz

  1. I find him fake. He was being himself when hosting Fear Factor, but once in UFC, he intentionally leaves on his facial hair, lowers his voice and speaks a lot louder just to fit in with the other guys and appear "manlier". Fake......

    Worddd, nigga needs to stay on Fear Factor.

  2. Man this is fucking confusing. Ruined my day. Horrible timing. Keagan, the payment you sent had no description or address so paypal had to fucking review it and was under suspicion. I am not neseccarily blaming you, but when I sent my payment, which was a couple days after you, it ended up fucking up my account as well. Fuck this shit, I'm done with paypal.

  3. That's odd..because his paypal account is locked today too. He is in the same situation as both of us. He needs to send out some stuff out, or send a payment, something in that sort, but his shit is locked. The very first time I sent him a payment through paypal it went smooth. I got the flat heads in no time. I don't know, maybe it is something on his end. Dryice where you at homie?!

  4. utility bill, wtf, are you paying for your monthly water and gas usage with paypal? write checks like a normal man. Paypal only asks for that info to make sure you aren't some scammer from China, I'd only hesitate sending that info if you plan on taking people's money without sending stuff. I'll be following your actions closely, don't post any shit on supermarket now.

    Ok, first of all, I am not a scammer.If you need refs, just ask. I could care less if you "watch over me". Just because I am in a weird situation with my paypal account doesn't mean I'm a scammer. Am I a scammer for giving the guy I sold the shoes to his money back? I'm having issues with my bank account as well. To Keagan, I am also using a debit card. I contacted paypal earlier and they were able to unlock my account. I just had to give them debit/cc card info, some bank information that was on my account, and some personal info. It's a simliar situatation to what you said up there. I sent an additional payment last night to dryice, and this morning my account got locked.

  5. This kid is obviously caraving attention on here....just get the fuck out already. No one likes you, fucking faggot. You made this thread saying your leaving and shit yet you stay an bitch about how it's so bad around here with your -55 rep. Someone ban this fucker and lock this useless thread.

  6. i logged into my paypal account, and shit says:

    "Your account access is limited. Learn how to remove this limitation. "

    I can't send, request, or recieve money at all, and I have a whole list of shit I have to fill out such as social security number, utuility bill, all this banking info, busniess info, fax documentation, and all this other cofirmation crap. No way in hell I am giving paypal all that info. Maybe it's a glitch or some sort? I don't know...it's just fucked up and shady as hell.And now I'm stuck with this guy's money that he sent(since I sold some shoes to him today). And I am not shipping out the shoes until my shit is unlocked or whatever. :mad:

    Anyone else having similiar problems right now?

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