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Posts posted by keysonawire

  1. Can anyone recommend some darker stuff?

    I'd like to hear some more recs, too. Burial s/t is by far my favorite. I also like Various Production (The World Is Gone, 2006), Disrupt's Foundation Bit. If you never got into The Knife's latest Silent Shout, that's another dark one. Neither is grime, just heave d'n'b that still fall under "dubstep" genre at times.

  2. Also, Warcraft III.

    UNFORTUNATELY, my disc is scratched or something and I need to get an uncorrupted "war3.mpq" file in order to reinstall the game, and I really don't want to have to send in my disc + $10 s/h to blizz for a new one... If someone could upload that file (it's 401 mb) I'd rep until the end of eternity. You can just windows explore the cd and it's right there. Anyone?

  3. I want to get the APC parka so bad but the $488 tag is killing me. Does anyone know of any stockists that carry this with a discount or promo code for online/phone orders? Alternatively, does anyone here work (or know someone who works) at APC? :o

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