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Posts posted by seksu!

  1. Earlier in the summer rumors emerged, making many wonder whether or not Ga-In watched porn to "help" her sexy Abracadabra dance routine. The Brown Eyed Girls maknae denied these rumors but it seems there were some things left unsaid when on September 26th's episode of KBS2's Champagne, Narsha and Ga-In appeared on the show revealing some dirty little secrets.

    When the host asked how the kiss scene went during the filming of the Abracadabra music video, Narsha replied by saying, "Seeing as how Ga-In has had little to no experience with men and has never kissed before, I was worried... but instead she took me by surprise and did well." She then added, "Turns out that she had been 'studying up' on the subject. At the dorm she's usually alone in her room and it's always locked; turns out she uses these private moments to watch some naughty material."

    Ga-In, now thoroughly, embarrassed defended herself by saying that Narsha always drinks herself a can of beer after working, saying it must be due to her old age. But she finally admitted, "I once received a movie from a fan and it had an innocent title but I realized the title had a dirty meaning when I played the movie. I was worried because I've had no experience with men but luckily I learned well. Learning is a good thing." With the last comment, the whole set fell into a cheerful and fun mood.

    wtf ga-in never been with a guy before... ever?


  2. bump

    read the book in two sittings, thought it was great.

    saw the trailer for the movie and it seems that they are going to suggest that global warming is the cause of the post-apocalyptic setting? i really hope not, cos i really think it would detract from the message of the book that we can cause our own demise etc.

    btw, heres 5 clips from the upcoming movie: http://www.traileraddict.com/tags/the-road

    just judging by these, i am really hating the actor playing the Boy. especially his acting at the coca-cola part ugh. hope he doesnt ruin the entire movie :(

  3. the_squid_and_the_whale_on_josh_and_josh.jpg

    gosh i hated every single character in this movie which made me hate the entire movie ugh. thank god it was like 80 minutes ro something


    this, le cercle rouge and army of shadows = melville's trifecta

    delon is so impossibly handsome coottttt

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