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Posts posted by robbie

  1. Ohh and with the World Tour jeans being around there was a bit of a family reunion of sorts:


    And like with most family reunions there was some awkwardness, folks found it odd I was standing out in my backyard with no pants on :D.

  2. I accepted the new job, but still have about 10 days left working at EPS before I'm completely done. Here's just a brief look into what I do while working for the school as a dishwasher.

    show up nice and early (not, 9:30 am)


    I get in, grab a cup of coffee toss in the 'ol headphones and get to it!


    The breakfast dishes are waiting for me : Spoons, juice glasses, bowls, and 90% of the faculty's coffee cups also. I wash everything,EVERYTHING. During sports I wash all of the water bottles, I've even had faculty bring me their own personal tupperware to wash. :angry:


    The jeans getting their dishroom on!


    works almost exactly like the dishwasher you might have in your house, only much faster! Put the dishes in, and Ka Pow a minute and a half later sparkling clean dishes! I typically do between 25 and 35 loads in the average day.


    Silverware. It has to go through twice, and I have to sort it as well. It's my least favorite.


    actually, i take it back. I hate these stupid salad plates. We have a salad bar for the middle and high school kids, so basically these just become a giant column stuck together with ranch and any other condiments available that particular day. Once the dishes are done I have to clean up.


    the work area is gross.


    but with a little soap, comet cleanser, and elbow grease


    it's shiny and new looking. After this I take out any trash, sweep, and wipe up. It would be an ideal job if I retired and just wanted to get out of the house for a a few hours. I punched in a 9:25, and was done by 2:15 (not even 5 hours)


    anywhooooooooooooooooooooooo Waywt contribution for 11/14 I triple dipped today. (type 3,wrangler shirt,and the contest jeans)

  3. (please excuse shoddy iphone pics...does anyone every apologize from crappy SLR or point and shoot pics?)

    The Roy's and I woke up early in the AM to be BACK at my church for a board meeting.


    When you live in 'El Sticks' (elwood,NE) you do a lot of driving. 52 miles to Kearney :( but there is some beautiful country in the Platte Valley area:


    Yeah, typical BORED meeting fare:


    After the meeting we had a work bee. Cleaned out 6 closets, the basement, and under the baptistry. 90% of the stuff went to the city dump, but I managed to find some gems I brought home: (note the two boxes of Archie comics... the randoms stuff you find in churches.


    On sundays I've been helping a guy from Church clean up around his house and his property. So the Roy's got to do some scrapping in addition to the church junkin' :


    My friend is 82. 82, he's the coolest MF on the planet. I will try to get more pictures next weekend if I go help him again. I was able to snap this one, but it's always awkward shooting pics with a phone while your working. Like I said though, coolest guy. At 82 he's every bit as quick and strong as me. He said something that stuck with me " Too many people get old and rust out instead of wearing out." Anyhow, made a little money too :D


    So i hit up the Goodwill to find this AWESOME point blanket. I'd been wanting a Hudson bay point blanket for quite sometime, was able to find this great deal!


    pardon the mess (and the crappy pic) but heres the fit for 11/13.

    one more find to come!

  4. (please excuse shoddy iphone pics...does anyone every apologize from crappy SLR or point and shoot pics?)

    The Roy's and I woke up early in the AM to be BACK at my church for a board meeting.


    When you live in 'El Sticks' (elwood,NE) you do a lot of driving. 52 miles to Kearney :( but there is some beautiful country in the Platte Valley area:


    Yeah, typical BORED meeting fare:


    After the meeting we had a work bee. Cleaned out 6 closets, the basement, and under the baptistry. 90% of the stuff went to the city dump, but I managed to find some gems I brought home: (note the two boxes of Archie comics... the randoms stuff you find in churches.


    On sundays I've been helping a guy from Church clean up around his house and his property. So the Roy's got to do some scrapping in addition to the church junkin' :


    My friend is 82. 82, he's the coolest MF on the planet. I will try to get more pictures next weekend if I go help him again. I was able to snap this one, but it's always awkward shooting pics with a phone while your working. Like I said though, coolest guy. At 82 he's every bit as quick and strong as me. He said something that stuck with me " Too many people get old and rust out instead of wearing out." Anyhow, made a little money too :D


    So i hit up the Goodwill to find this AWESOME point blanket. I'd been wanting a Hudson bay point blanket for quite sometime, was able to find this great deal!


    pardon the mess (and the crappy pic) but heres the fit for 11/13.

    one more find to come!

  5. it is futile to follow riff, but here goes nothin' .... x-post from the roy world tour thread.

    I awoke and ran to the post office before church. Our local post office is small, and only open for an hour on Saturdays. If I didn't pick them up I wouldn't have gotten the glorious jeans until Monday afternoon.


    so had the jeans tucked safely away to change into after church this morning.

    My wife and I lead out in a group for our kids after church a couple times a month. It's a ton of fun. Changed into the ROY's and we did some crazy fun crafts and activities.



    A fit somewhere near Odessa,NE. Lauren and I drove home from Kearney to Elwood.


    Kearney,NE is dead center between Boston,MA and San Fransisco,CA. I don't know about Beatle's leg of the trip, but this might be farthest the jeans have been from the Ocean?




    some local color


    weird abandoned roadside attraction


    Ton of agriculture here in ...



    More pictures to come. We're headed out to dinner.... I GOT A NEW JOB, no more cafeteria work for me!

  6. I awoke and ran to the post office before church. Our local post office is small, and only open for an hour on Saturdays. If I didn't pick them up I wouldn't have gotten the glorious jeans until Monday afternoon.


    so had the jeans tucked safely away to change into after church this morning.

    My wife and I lead out in a group for our kids after church a couple times a month. It's a ton of fun. Changed into the ROY's and we did some crazy fun crafts and activities.



    A fit somewhere near Odessa,NE. Lauren and I drove home from Kearney to Elwood.


    Kearney,NE is dead center between Boston,MA and San Fransisco,CA. I don't know about Beatle's leg of the trip, but this might be farthest the jeans have been from the Ocean?




    some local color


    weird abandoned roadside attraction


    Ton of agriculture here in ...



    More pictures to come. We're headed out to dinner.... I GOT A NEW JOB, no more cafeteria work for me!

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