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totally epic

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Posts posted by totally epic

  1. Techology is good for its intended purpose. In the case of DSLRs, it allows you to learn & make mistakes without the cost associated with film. If anything is to be criticized, it's that people are generally not picky enough with their photos. I throw away about 95-98% of my shots (well, because I suck). Yes, people have expensive DSLRs that they don't know how to use. Yes, people take lots of shitty pictures and show them to everyone. But DSLRs are one of the best things introduced to photography in a long time.

  2. gorgeous!! was this made with a lomo coloursplash by any chance?

    No this was on a DSLR.

    rirawin: There are colorblind people that will sample various spots on their photos and learn to recognize RGB values that yield good results. Personally, I couldn't imagine how difficult that would be, but it is possible.

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