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totally epic

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Posts posted by totally epic

  1. A bunch of film shit.

    • Agfa Rodinal 17 oz.
    • Arista 5 Liter Storage Bottle
    • Arista Changing Bag 27 in. x 30 in.
    • Arista Film Cartridge Opener
    • Arista Graduated Cylinder 650ml
    • Arista 35mm Metal Reloadable Cartridge - 25 pack
    • Arista EDU Ultra B&W 100 iso 35mm x 100 ft.
    • Fotospeed SB50 Odorless Indicator Stop Bath 1 liter
    • Ilford Rapid Fixer 1 liter
    • Jobo Film Reel
    • Jobo Cascade Film Washer
    • Jobo Uni-Tank Two - 35mm/One -120 Reel Tank
    • Kodak XTOL Powder Film Developer to Make 5 Liter
    • Watson 100 35mm Bulk Film Loader

  2. If there was a tax for having to not use Windows, I'd gladly pay it... but not sure where you are going about with the extra Apple tax. Obviously this is getting into a pc vs. mac fanboy debate... but many PC manufacturers do a lot of advertising to purport a great price value...

    Adding some stuff to spec I have noticed minimal price differences, but that's just me.

    I don't use Windows either, except when I'm in Photoshop (hell there's a way to run Photoshop under Linux nowadays). There is no more PC vs Mac debate because Apple uses the exact same architecture as PCs. What I mean by the "tax" is if you're not running OSX (i.e. dual booting Windows on a Mac), then why pay for Apple hardware? Because it's pretty?

    BTW, my desktop is made my Sun Microsystems.

  3. I use B+W and Cokin filters almost exclusively. I used to use the cheaper Hoya ones but Ive had multiple ones with build quality issues (loose glass seals, bad threads), especially with 77mm+ filters.

    A UV filter looks like just a piece of protective glass, but I recommend you get one good clear UV filter for each lense, preferably a multicoated one. This will cut down on chromatic aberation (lenz flarez!!) and help your lenses perform closer to what they would without a filter. Especially in terms of apeture.

    Good luck with the M8. Id love to try one.

    Fuck. I've had 3 77mm Hoya polarizers break on me until I dropped some dough on a B+W Kaesemann. That thing's a brick though, I highly recommend B+W. Cokin is too low-end for me, I have a Z-Pro holder but my filter is a Lee.

  4. if he...
    • challenges me intellectually
    • finds my quirkiness adorable
    • has great friends and family
    • has achieved, or in the process of achieving his goals
    • is cultured
    • is independent
    • dark haired, with batting eyelashes
    • has strong arms with a layer of little fat that make me swoon
    • has a simple wardrobe
    • is a great kisser
    • has an amazing music collection

    If you find a guy with these things, and then find out he's into dudes, let me know.

  5. Hahah I don't wear Prada to metal shows....yet.

    JesseJB - 2nd wave emo (Christie Front Drive, Planes Mistaken for Stars, etc.)

    insomaniac - all kinds of weird shit

    braidkid - Braid !

    DUM - for some reason, I think DJ Assault

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