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Posts posted by greeneggs4spam

  1. There are dogs everywhere in Athens. They all seem nice and fairly healthy though. I'm not sure if they're strays and people just give them scraps or if people actually own them but let them roam the streets since some of them have collars like the dog in the pic.

  2. not so keen for SDA.... they take way too break.... first 10 month of updates are gonna be really lame and boring. "hey everyone, i havent got fades yet, but here is another fit picture".

    anyone keen on doing a brand not available in the states yet and not talked much about on sufu?

    -UES, FOB, Pherrows, Indian motorcycle, Canton, Down North, Stormy Blue, Free Rage, Mom & Pop,

    the only problem is sponsors, since neither selfedge nor BiG stocks any of these brands

    I would love something like that. If we can't get a sponsor and want it to remain a contest we could all just send in $10-20 and winner takes pot, or split among top 3.

    Otherwise it would be awesome if we could have this guy make us some jeans: http://www.superfuture.com/supertalk/showthread.php?t=149004

  3. We should see how many people will commit to buying the jeans with all the winning features before we decide to re-vote.

    Maybe a final poll:

    How likely is it you will participate in the contest with the jeans we have so far:

    -very likely



    How likely is it you would participate in the contest if the jeans had different back pockets?

    -very likely



    Also, how do you people not want a bad ass samurai on your samurai jeans patch? He can even be fighting a tiger. That's bad ass - more votes for patch #2 plz.

  4. this is going to be awesome.

    Just a thought though - I think we should be able to vote for multiple items in each category. That way, we'd maximize the number of people happy with the jeans and wouldn't force people to pick between options where they are indifferent. Then any tie-breaking would be done by people who legitimately have a preference.

    Hypothetical Situation:

    -3 options

    -1/2 of people are indifferent between option 1 and 2 as their first choice

    -2/5 of people have option 3 as their first choice

    - the rest (1/10) strictly prefer option 1.

    Now assume that the people who are indifferent between options 1 and 2 split the vote evenly, so half vote for each.

    Then the final votes are:

    option 1: 35%

    option 2: 25%

    option 3: 40%

    Even though the actual preferences are:

    option 1: 60%

    option 2: 50%

    option 3: 40%

    (*doesn't sum to 100% since we don't force people to choose when they are indifferent)

    So option 3 wins even though it is actually the least popular option; where as this doesn't happen if we allow multiple votes in each category.

    Obviously this is a hypothetical situation and it probably won't matter, but I'd still suggest allowing people multiple votes in each category.

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