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Posts posted by klue

  1. I went to the mall yesterday and saw this group of tween girls walking around with band-aids on random parts of skin. One girl had one across her forehead, another had 3 of them on the back of her upper arm.

    Either they got into a cat fight with another crew or they were just looking for attention. You can never anticipate what people will do next.

    i originally thought it best to share the jeans only in the end because i knew that people would be so shocked so early on......but i thought the community would appreciate something interesting on this thread and i even thought that someone else might have been thinking about being more creative with their jeans and that these may provide the extra confidence needed to take the plunge. I dont do this things for attention, i want to contribute something new. If i just wanted attention, i just have to post up downtown with my crew. I wouldn't be loading pics of jeans on an online forum. that doesn't get me laid.

  2. Salaami,

    I skated my APCs for a solid 3 months, and i mean 8-10 hour days and 6-7 times a week. And in all that time, i didnt come close to getting the wear this dude has gotten in the two weeks..

    Somethings a bit fishy. The denim looks absolutely awesome, but there was too much messing around with it to make them look any good..

    To each their own i guess....

    ANYWAY, anyone know what the winner gets ? :D

    longboarding miles up hill will give you wicked wiskers, especially top speed. but most of the fading is from climbing trees, buildings and monuments

    it looks awesome but at the same time doesn't look any good?

    what do you mean by messing around??

  3. this all just seems over the top.

    for me, breaking-in blue jeans is about living in your jeans and letting them naturally reflect your life; not spray painting them gold and trying to tear them up.

    but whatever. i'm sure that anymore posts by these two gentlemen will solidify my thoughts about them.

    wait till you see why they are gold i will post picks tomorrow............. the tears happened from use, not picked apart with tools..... dont imagine how you would make jeans look so ridiculus, imagine what others could have done

  4. Why does everyone one of their posts look like it was translated from Japanese using a Jerry Garcia translator?

    Generally my wildest whims aren't to thrash 300 dollar master crafted Japanese garments to make them look like the new Diesel wash, but to each their own i guess.

    Show me these deisel jeans

  5. If they were $30 STFs, it would kinda be okay. But I can't imagine doing something like that to jeans as nice as my 0105s are, or to pair of LVC.

    I would never invest so much time on stfs, I want the spirit of the Japanese craftsman as well as the quality of japan denim

  6. Wabi-sabi has nothing to do with intentionally destroying jeans.

    Like many things, it is not something that can be intentionally created I don't think.

    Doesn't mean dying or altering them can't be cool... but it's not wabi-sabi.

    (those brown ones made me throw up in my mouth... Pork grease?)

    The holes were not intentional, neither Is the pork, the paint will fade, that is wabi sabi.

  7. when i first asked the forum why we would put arcs and tabs on our jeans, someone said that it was an oppertunity to customize the jeans. i thought that if the jeans were truly custom, than why would be follow a template. why even arcs. i do not like branding. i wear the jeans because they have the strength. i love indigo. i love the fading. I want to leave my indigo in as many places as possible, this is why they are so faded. i am not sitting in a box with sandpaper and a razor. I am not using chemical treatments, acids, or bleach. i do not want to destroy the fabric. the paint will add to the lifespan of my jeans. i love rainbow color wearing off to reveal indigo. i will most likely add more layers and wear through all of them. i will get holes and repair them. they will maintain their strength and just collect character and expereience. I have beautifully faded blue jeans, i am looking for something new. it is spring time. the gold on kawawakas has already come off in many places. there are gold flakes on my jeans,in the grass, on the stones and the walls.

    young punch, does it look like we are sitting around a lot?

  8. no one bleached shit........the paint has added protection.........as far as repairs go, i did this before i ate breakfast this morning


    .........my buddy makes sense if you take the time to contemplate. his denim is more beautiful then mine. i have seen it in real life. i am an appreciator of beauty.

  9. I have been very active,much fading on most things imaginable.kawawaka is in my crew we have been experimenting together. Some acrylic got on one side for a green cast but the fading is from stone,tree,bush,concrete,water, and more. The jeans are not ruined,they have unique character and spirit and will age like all things. Wabi sabi is in all things

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