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Posts posted by jeepster

  1. ahhhh man. now its two older chicks. both in college. this high school deal is killing me man. i need to totally get into college already.

    im listening to Revolver, ive never listened to it so far gone. its beautiful.

  2. currently im afraid of most things. im so scared. its like some scarecrow from batman shit. i haven't been this ripped in ages.

    but like in honesty, its not even that. driving home i was having visions of dying and like premonitions of impending doom, and now im overtaken my complete warmth.

    i called up a girl whose a number of years older than myself and asked her out, while simultaneously waking her up. she said call in the morning.. good thing/bad thing? shes gorgeous.

  3. anyways, my weird ass dream from the other night was this:

    i was on a high speed train speeding down an empty sort of Resident Evil meets Half-life 2 subway system/tunnel, and it stopped at a stair way. i walk up the stairs and its sunny out and im in san francisco right near the haight. so i walk into a huge mall, and there is a large fruit stand that had strange looking slimey things crawling in it. so i walk back outside through the other end of the mall, and there is a huge stairwell leading up to a platform (sort of looks like a suspended train stop), enclosed on all four sides by brick walls. i walk up there, and there are all these people just milling about, sort of zombish, in a daze. i walk up to one, who looks like my friend camille, and she starts screaming about how shes trapped by the master or something. so i grab her and we run back down the stairs with the zombish people in hot pursuit. we run under the platform and theres a door. i bang on the door, a guy who kind of looks like jeffery from project runway comes to the door and asks for a password. i call him a bitch and he walks away. i bang on the door again, all the while the people getting closer. he comes back and asks for the password again and this time i say mitch, and he opens the door. once inside, he talks us down a passage way into a large subterrean bunker filled with racks and racks of jeans. he then proceeds to tell me i've entered self-edge.

    i woke up shortly after this dream. it was a really wtf moment, but i figure it had something to do with the shrooms i ate earlier.

  4. haha, really?

    funny thing is that it always annoys me when I see other people type "your" instead of "you're"

    you're the one who wrote it.

    i wonder if beyonce bathes in the souls of small children to retain her youthful appeal.

  5. nice pic jeepster

    now i actually feel half bad for neg repping you earlier

    don't, it was a comment in poor taste. it came out wrong from what i had originally intended to say, so i take it in turn. its actually funny because your comment with it is just "your an idiot. please shut the fuck up"


  6. where exactly is this islam nation of which you speak? i'd like to visit

    when i say nation, i refer to the concept, manifestation, and reality of the religion as a whole. there are many nations under the flag of islam, no single one. its a turn of phrase.

  7. translation by abdullah yusuf ali

    i found it in a stack of books in my brothers room labeled "psych analysis"

    i realize that that islam is a historically peaceful nation, but fundamentalism is whack.

  8. but seriously, keagan, i wanna know if your hair is heavy. it looks it.

    oh yeah, i confess - im reading a translation of the qur'an. its such shit. i can totally see why theres so much hate coming out of that religion. man, they got no love for anything but death and mohammed.

  9. There's nothing worse than those fucking born again Christians from the Korean community. I want to roll joints from the pages of their bibles.

    i actually did that once. my friend and i rolled a couple of j's with the passage samuel l jackson recites in pulp fiction, ezekiel 25:17

    we then proceeded to watch pulp fiction.

  10. A friend of mine (who's an editor in the "industry" and therefore very hard to please) caught the midnight showing at the Arclight, and his review at 3 am via sms was:

    "35% cheesy, 75% fucking retardedly awesome"

    I can't wait to buy the 5 dollar bootleg from my hookup, Smirk.

    mini-confessional: I buy pirated movies. 8O

    don't buy! stream!


    welcome to the 21st century.

  11. i dunno if their that "hella rich"

    they had to close most of their american plants and the company has mostly moved down south or overseas as a result. levi's definately needs to step their game up.. they are one of the original makers of jeans after all.

  12. 20070516_Fairey_Zeitgeist.jpg

    dunno how i feel about it yet. its lame, but at the same time wholely interesting to listen to. its definately not the smashing pumpkins but more or less a billy corgan solo cd. its not bad, but it sure ain't the best he has done. not by a long shot. the guitar work is very good though.

  13. i confess: keagan's hair defies all laws of physics. i wonder if its some sort of new anti-polymer matter. how much does it weigh, if it weights anything at all?

    also im giving most of my clothing to goodwill because i dont wear much of it anymore. i feel good about it too.

  14. so i saw transformers...that girl really is the hottest human being on the planet...

    the movie was surprisingly not for kids (masturbating jokes, etc), and had some surprisingly funny moments involving racism (black guy's grandmother hates cops, indian tech support guy)...but the Transformers look fucking COOL. Its worth it just to see the designs carried out. everyone was worried they'd look to anime or too techy, and while they're far more japanny and angular, they've definitely kept the overall feel of the original bots (megatron, when first introduced, is clearly megatron...he looks right, as do most)...

    cheesy as fuck? yeah, but awesomer as fuck.

    now i can't wait to see Ratatouille and Rescue dawn.

    fuckin a. i loved it, it was damn good fun and cheesy enough to just be awesome. best movie ive seen so far in theatres this summer. i ordered the video game and im gonna cop a PS3 from a friend whose going away for a while so i can just tear it up as a transformer. i'm happy the brought back most of the original voice talent, and the story totally works, as opposed to the original story, which just worked cause it was a cartoon. im glad they also cast hot chicks for everything. even some of the extras were hot. and im glad it wasnt a shitty kids movie. people were fucking dieing, when megatron flicks the dude i laughed so hard. honestly im really happy with how it came out, and lebouf proved himself as a pretty good actor.

    megan fox:


    rachel taylor:


  15. well, its a matter of taste for both the artist and the audience. many times fans expect a bigger album after a band has put out a good solid first record. maybe it takes up to the third record (in the case of interpol) to reach the comfort in recording in such a way (and the comfort of a larger budget), but historically, it happens a lot. The Soft Machine by the Doors is a perfect example. after recording it, Jim Morrison and Ray Manzarek went back and found that the album lacked the big chunky sound that the first 3 albums had. their record label with its large budget and infinite wisdom (...), suggested that they try what many bands with smash hit albums do - get a bigger sound. in 1968, horns were in, examples include bands like Sly & the Family Stone and Long Time Comin' by The Electric Flag (featuring mike bloomfield on guitar who also appeared on the horn-galore jam-hit Super Session with Steven Stills and and Al Cooper), and so the Doors recorded with both a live bassist, multiple pianists/organists (at Manzarek's discretion), and large string arrangments as well. so given the opportunity they upped the anti by giving it a bigger (and cheesier) sound, thus resulting in a hit album.

    usually followups have a much larger sound, whether it works or not, it depends on the band. interpol can get away with it because they have a lot of pomp and are very theatrical in their delivery. it doesn't really work with bands like bloc party and the editors because they wanted a sound that expands, rather than is expansive. many times these albums don't age well, as referenced by The Soft Machine by the Doors, but from time to time, you get a great one - Sgt. Pepper'sanyone?

  16. i had that h&m shirt, it got torn up by a dog though when i left it at a friends house. a little small in the shoulders, but i have a broad back..

    hap, what do you do for a living besides bein, well, ballin?

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