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Posts posted by sohoADDICT

  1. lol...Watch there be special reseller codes they can put in so that their orders can be filled in first before others.

    As long as I can get the stuff that I want then I don't really care what other people can buy online or not.

    LMAO.... i could def. see this happenening haha

  2. I agreed on it being a money issue and not a race issue in the quote you just quoted. So, you're agreeing with me.

    Yeah, what he did wasn't the politically correct way to go about doing things, but the way 50 Cent is handling the competition situation isn't the correct way to go about things either. He's already crying about milk that hasn't even spilt yet.

    lol ya i guess so... i didnt real the whole thread so i dunno.

    on a diff note, i wouldnt expect 50 to sell as much as kanye, since hs album really hasnt been promoted much (at least in comparison to kanye's)

  3. Pretty much, with all the media attention that Brittney was getting, it would mean higher ratings if she opened. I don't see why 50 Cent is acting all erratic about this shit so early, throwing bitch fits fucking up his office, being spiteful by vowing to release an album everytime Def Jam drops a priority release, looking depressed and shit acting like he lost already. He could end up having higher sales by the end of the week lol
    he actually said it (the VMAs putting britney on to start the show instead of him) was a money issue and not a race issue, theres a video interview of him talking about the whole situation on hot97.com

    i agree with him, but obviously thats not the correct way to go about voicing your opinion

  4. i called up both Commonwealth stores yesterday and both said that they are not going to be getting any more Supreme. word on the street is that Ubiq in Philly has an account now.

    good lookin out.... im all over it.

    and lol @ the person who tried to make an excuse for supreme workers being dicks. so what if they get asked the same questions, its ther damn job, are people supposed to be psychic and know whats in stock? and they work retail for gods sake, its not like theyre working a high-pressure, investment firm type job with ridiculously hard work or crazy hours.

  5. I'm trying to find some denim that has a bunched up fit. I tried on a pair of sz 30, 19 cm diors, and they had the nice bunch up effect behind the knees and at the bottom, but they were entirely too tight.

    Basically im trying to find some jeans that are fitting and long enough to have the bunched effect, but not uncomfortably tight like the aformentioned diors. Can anybody reccomend a good jean (besides 21 cm diors, which while they will probably achieve my desired effect, cost way more than im willing to spend right now.

    for reference im 5'8 125, and in buying these jeans im keeping in mind that ill probably be gaining the freshman 15 this year (hopefully all muscle haha)


  6. So for the people who saw them, are they worth $80? For a little more you can get apc. I'm gonna have to try them on tomorrow.

    isnt APC like $120? thats 50% more, i wouldnt consider that to be a "little more". anyway, as was said before, you cant get much better quality for that price, which is why ill probably be copping them

  7. weak songs:

    Barry Bonds


    Can't Tell Me Nothing

    Drunk and Hot Girls

    Big Brother

    the rest are all pretty good

    LMAO wow are u kidding me?drunk and hot girls, ok thats bad. everything else is OK or good.

    and if u didnt think the album was good youre obviously highly biased and hate kanye.

  8. i ended up getting a burton (analog) bag.

    i was REALLY suprised, burton has a bunch of really nice outerwear pieces and backpacks. and obviously their prices are pretty good

  9. Interesting detail- every single stitch in each jean utilizes supima cotton; most premium denim lines do not use this higher-quality cotton for their stitching.

    wow, thats cool.

    OK, so from what im gathering, the 000s are slim fitting and the 002 version is regular fit? is the construction different, or just the fit?

    thanks for the info btw OMC

  10. the tazmanian wool trousers are really nice, i picked them up last weekend when i was up there. also picked up a french f-2 which is pretty good.

    agreed,. those tazmanian wood pants are VERY nice

  11. yes he has a pretty big ego, im not denying that. so what though, how many people don't when theyre at that stage in their career? im not excusing it, im just saying, nobodys perfect. i dont understand how it bothers you, its not like youve personally experienced the effects of his ego.

    and i think youre blowing it out of proportion, he doesnt flaunt his high end stuff THAT much. he may drop a brand name in a song occasionally, but its not like his music even comes close to revolving around bragging about clothes, especially compared to 90% of rappers who only talk about cars, clothes, and girls.

    anyway, live and let live. dont worry about the next man, just do you (not directed at you ichigo, its just a general statement)

  12. kanye can wear whatever he wants, and he can style himself in those clothes however he pleases. however, his sudden embrace of haute fashion over the course of the past year reeks of insincerity.

    it is exactly like a white kid from wisconsin trying to act hood. it just doesnt work.

    i gotta disagree with you on this one. people's styles evolve, why can't kanye's? just as he "hopped" on bape, why cant he hop on those high end brands? From what i remember his girlfriend is a designer, so she probably opened his eyes to the high-end fashion. I dont think there's anything insincere about that at all.

    and anyway, what good would it serve him to be insincere? its not like hes playing towards his target audience by wearing that type of stuff.

    Contrary to popular belief (on here), I think Kanye pulled them off pretty well.


    Anyway, I haven't seen this issue of complex, nor do I give a fuck what Kanye decides to wear. I personally like to find the redeeming quality in him choosing to don brands that the typical kid in the hood isn't seeing on regular basis. What might that be? Helping in the development of a taste that extends beyond homogenious look that probably dominates said kid's neighborhood. Sometimes the snobery of this place is laughable. I'm sure everyones been in selvage and CdG since they were fetuses, I know I was... :rolleyes:

    very well said, I couldnt agree more

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