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Posts posted by sohoADDICT

  1. "high quality" is what selvage snobs use as an excuse for shelling out 3+ bills for a pair of cotton woven workpants.

    I have to agree with this- for the crazy prices that some of these companies change for their jeans, I better be getting a pair of jeans that is head and shoulders above every other jean in terms of comfort and looks (which def. isn't always the case)

  2. define "just as good". it means different things for different people. denim, fit, authenticity, hardware. whatever.

    also: search button.

    my first time using the "usethesearchbutton" comment. =DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    how can "denim" mean quality, I'm talking about the quality OF denim. Also, of course I'm not factoring authenticity, I figured that was a given.

    As for fit, thats a complately subjective thing (ie i could hate some skinny jeans because i dont like my jeans tight, but someone could love the fit). I'm talking about something that is not as debatable...

  3. The phrase "high quality" is thrown around often, so I'm wondering how people define it. Obviously I have an idea of what it entails (such as the denim being durable), but I am just curious to see other members' thoughts. It seems to me through looking at posts in the short time that I've been here that people have a tendency to stick the word "quality" on a pair of jeans just because they're expensive, and discount another brand that is cheaper (even if it is just as good).


  4. ha.

    as a white dude, i rock fitteds, long bills, box caps, basically anything. its one thing to say fitteds look better on a certain size head or shaped face, but on a certain race, come on.

    maybe oversized fitteds with your ears tucked in looking like jadakiss from three or four years ago looks strange on a white dude, but its because you're not used to it, not because it looks "better" on a black kid. it looks equally silly.

    cosign.... i dont get how a hat could go better with a certain race unless it complements their skin tone or something lmao

  5. any suggestions? im looking for something with nice patterning and/or colorways

    as an example of a type of backpack look that im looking for (the tree bark 1), NU1241-03.jpg

  6. i got the jeans a few months ago, only wore them once, and decided to try the whole creasing/fading thing at the beginning of spring break, so ive worn them pretty much all spring break. when I first bought them, i washed them inside out (because the tag said so, and i didnt know any better at the time haha)

    anyway how do i get these crap looking starch stains out? just soak them in cold water?

  7. yea brb im beyond tired, 1sec gotta grab the camera lol

    edit: now that i washed the starch out the creases that were crazy good (the diagonal thigh ones and the ones behind the knees) pretty much went away... theyre somewhat apparent when i wear the jeans but when i took them off to lay out the creaes arent really visibe.

    ALso, my jeans are looking disgusting w the starch lol

  8. Sup fellas, im new to these forums... I'm more of a sneaker head, just got into the denim game really. I'm on ISS (dont post that much, bt2, and nikesb.org forums)

    Anyway, I just need a bit of help, this forum is a kinda confusing at first. I did use the search button, but i couldnt find what I wanted.

    I want some nice whiskering and fading in my jeans, but i dont know how often i should wash- I looked at the encyclopedia thread, but it didnt give any info, it was just people arguing whether monthly washing or waiting a long time was better. Also, i couldnt find "ryu's" monthly washing thing. Also, how should I wash my denim to achieve some nice fade effects. The jeans I am using are Gap selvedge, I starched and immediately wore them for about 4 hours today, then took the starch out, since i didnt want powdery-looking jeans, lol. The creases are setting in quite nicely in the upper thighs and behind the knees.

    Before today, I pretty much wore these years for 7 days straight (im on spring break), but the creases only got REALLY nice today after the starching. So thats pretty much the scenario, any help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

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