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Comma H

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Posts posted by Comma H

  1. I know you guys are mainly interested in fixed gear bikes here but perhaps some one could give me a hand identifying this style of bike:


    Its like an old style french courier bike with metal mudguards and racks. As far as I know they are still popular in Europe. Does anyone know the correct names for these bikes? I want one for leasurely cruising around the city...but first I need to know what they are and even better who makes them!

  2. Checked out the Calibre sale today, pretty good prices and a lot of stuff but as nlim said most of it wasnt really my thing. I did get a nice roll up sleeve shirt for $99 that was retailing for $189.

    At the moment I have such a hard on for Filippa K. They have a nice short cotton jacket in DJ's, but its $740...argh..

  3. As much as I love my dukes, it still annoys me that they have such a large leg opening. The only shoes they really suit due to this are hype beasty sneakers or big boots, niether of which I wear anymore.

    Its a shame because out of the 6 pairs of 'premium denim' that I own, the Imperials are still my favourite in terms of material, build quality and colour. I just hope they decide to make a slimmer version.

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