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Posts posted by MiniW

  1. Dude, I'm a 32-33 true waister (5'6" 165-170 lb'er) and I'm exchanging my size 29 PS's for some size 28's so I think you could fit do a size 28.

    If you want a higher rise, you might want to look at the NC's but maybe do a size bigger than you would in PS.

    damn son, please post pics when you get them. shit's going to be TIGHT

  2. so right now its like scruntched up boxers or commando. i can almost get 3 buttons up commando - did i size down too much?

    Please do the public a service and don't re-sell these in the supermarket.

  3. I was going to be a jerk and say just look at your own pictures. But in all seriousness, if they don't feel tight to you right now, they are not going to stretch out much at all other than the waist and maybe the knees. I mean, that's just how things work.

  4. wtf is up with the coat with the pockets on the back? and the gratuitous use of red/white/blue reminds me of tommy hilfiger.

    On the other hand, the knit sweaters and the wool trousers are absolutely awesome. I love the boots as well.

  5. Here's a question for you experienced boot wearers.

    My Alden cordovans have developed creases just before the toe cap as so:

    Now this is perfectly normal I'm aware. The problem is after wearing for a while the creases begin to rub against the top of my foot (just behind the toes).

    Has anyone else experienced similar? Does it go away (soften up) after wearing, or is there any remedy?

    What you can do is put some sports tape (like the type athletes use to wrap around their knees/elbows, etc) Put the tape on your foot at the area where it rubs, this should decrease or eliminate the friction/blistering on your skin where the boots rub you funny. Do this for about 10 wearings, then try to wear them again without tape and see if the the shoes won't bother you less.

    For some reason my left toe tends to rub against many of my new shoes and this has worked almost every time. After the shoes are broken in a bit, I usually can stop using the tape and still be good. I hope this helps.

  6. Picture2-2.png

    (please excuse the poor image quality)

    Found this gem at a consignment shop for only $40!!

    Brand is "Bond Clothing" from England so it's definitely legit wool. It also says "student shop" on the tag. Limey bastards are weird.

    I've been looking for a sweet toggle coat for a while and haven't found any as awesome as this. Real wool, real leather straps, and real wood clasps.

    When did they start making fake wool?

  7. leather is really thin but feels nice. stitches aren't high quality but not terrible. i'd say you get what you pay for. not total shit but not anywhere near as good as any brand name. not even topman.

    I actually just got my 3rd BS jacket in the mail today. I got the brown RO style with funnel neck. I wanted it last year but was broke. The price was actually much better now that the GBP is down.

    As for the quality. It is quite excellent. I thought the leather would be thin and all artificially wrinkled from looking at the pictures, but it is actually quite smooth and buttery feeling. Much better than expected. The fit is right on though this may vary from individual to individual. Anyways IMO it was quite a nice piece, and worth more than what I spent on it.

    For the BS haters I understand where you are coming from. Personally, I would not even be interested in the original leather jackets that the BS jackets were modeled after for the original retail price. Plus I only wear leather jackets on rare occasions (not daily, not even weekly) so spending $500 or more on one wasn't for me.

    On a side note when I was really into Dior Homme, I visited the main store in NYC on a few occasions and had a chance to to feel the leather on the authentic Dior jackets. Believe it or not, they don't feel much different than the leather that BS uses. Now this may not apply to Julius, CCP, RO, etc, but for Dior, I don't expect much better quality leather just because they are 10X the price.

  8. ^^ those are cool, but the toes look pretty square :(

    Also technicolor, did you think to order them from another place, like the shoemart? yes it may be more expensive, but only like $30-$40 and you may not have to wait 14 weeks. jeez. Well, I guess it's too late now, but I hope the shoes fit when you get them.

    edit: nvm, I thought you were in the states

  9. hey SLAB, pecards is pretty much colorless so it won't color the stitches. It may darken them 1 shade (like when you drink tea/coffee and your teeth get stained), but this is not really noticeable. As long as you don't rub colored wax or cream on them, the should remain highly contrasted with the leather. BTW I've also seen a pair of indy's in person where the stitches were colored the same as the leather, I didn't recognize they were indy's from far away but thought that they were cool boots. A few minutes after I spotted the boots, the person wearing them actually came up to me and commented on how my "new" indys looked good, and then I realized he was wearing the same shoes, just a lot older. Basically you can't go wrong with them as long as you wear them.

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