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Posts posted by julianREE

  1. i'm drinking a huge mug of half jack and half coke, took valium when i was working, and am still a crazy mess!

    life's great isn't it?

    and i'm writing a shitty short story in the style of hemingway cause i have nothing else to do.

  2. interesting fact i learned from a friend about trash talk..

    supposedly mike hood is lee's uncle and that was the only reason they were able to put out music at first..

    lee doesn't want anybody to find out, and i can see why.

  3. look at the history son. the team that wins the presidents trophy almost never wins the cup. trust me because the wings win it almost every year and to my knowledge the sharks never have.

    i honestly think the blackhawks have a better chance than the sharks in the west.

    i disagree with this, if anything i think the flames have a better chance.

    sharks have been on a bit of a cold streak lately.. and tonight's game was no different.. blew a 3-0 lead, and boucher let in an EASY EASY goal..

    like i said before, if the sharks don't win this year, they're NEVER going to win.

  4. i'm not really suicidal, just the whole thought crosses my mind.

    but i wouldn't be surprised if people living in the fresno area are having increases in thoughts of suicide. they're losing their homes, their jobs, basically everything American's hinge on "happiness" because of this financial mess.

    of course they're pretty dumb themselves for taking out such huge loans with their houses as collateral.. so whatever the world keeps goin' round.

  5. this is interesting, but i'm wondering how recent this list is.

    i've heard from one source (my econ professor) that if they calculated everything presently using a misery index that fresno or stockton would be number one because of the huge number of foreclosures and unemployment. (california is leading with close to 9.6 percent?)

    he also said las vegas passed fresno as the leader in foreclosures just this week, so it would be even more interesting to calculate it presently.

  6. my prediction is sharks vs. capitals.

    but im biased cause im a shark's fan. but no lie, if the sharks don't do it this year, they're NEVER gonna win the cup.

  7. and i know its not really in the same vein but runaways, by lifelong tragedy

    i saw those guys in the summer and i wasnt really familiar with the material but after listening to that album like 10+ times in the past few days, its fucking amazing

    the rest of the discography isnt on par but holy shit, its got kind of a mliw vibe but like...better

    i would agree, too bad they broke up though.

  8. well i'll tell you what

    go listen to Shadowplay

    and then go youtube the clip of Tracey Emin and Daisy Bates dancing awkwardly in some LA hotel to the Killers' cover of same song. this should cheer you up. i'd post the link but that vid isn't loading in my region. just search "tracey emin daisy bates"

    good man. good man. it was quite entertaining.

  9. jesus christ this sounds heavy. i thought it was just not so long ago you posted that pic of you across from The Landmark in Central ready to go party it up with Hongkie Hoes up in LKF. What's happened between now and then. If it's a bitch, not worth it. As a wise man on here would say, "fucka bitch."

    not a bitch. more like... apathy. i was drunk when i posted though, and it was just a thought. i used to always think about going out and how much "easier" it would be, but as stayhandsome said about ian curtis, he couldn't face the burdens of being a man. it's just admiting defeat really, and i would want to accomplish something before i went out. its teenage angst, blah blah, but the town i live in has just sucked my soul straight from my body, i just need to get out. i'm just rambling now, and unknown pleasures is finally wrapping up. "i remember nothing".

  10. i've just spent the whole day indulging in everything joy division. all i did today was watch the movie "closer" and listen to unknown pleasures, closer, and their live bbc sessions on repeat.

    it makes me feel like ian curtis' suicide is the right way to go. kind of like a james dean thing.. i dont know.

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