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Posts posted by lacquered

  1. im sorry cant spill the beans as long as i know its from levis strauss and co. is from san francisco they always use this as an excuse that levis would sue the proxy.. and i think levis dont really care about proxy's at all... watever man i cant spill the beans they might ban me again...

    You'd rather see some poor guy got stomp around by some bullies here? There is injustice here, and all you care is your membership here? Damn, they can ban me for all I care, if it could help Hide san to be treated accordingly around here. So what if they ban you? If anything goes wrong, just tell them its not your fault, and ban me for forcing you.

  2. I think it'd be more than fair if the mods here explain to us why Hide san's thread was removed. Its not only make people doubt him needlessly, it also makes people doubt whether he is legit or not. We demand an explaination for this injustice!

  3. IT is the distributor for APC in HK ,thus most APC are near an IT I THINK. if you want cheap APC check out the IT sales store they have usually have nice suit jackets/blazers there. in terms of service, i think its pretty good. willing to help and get product for you or call in to get something from another location etc.

    Which IT is the sale store? There are so many IT that I cant remember which one is which. The one I went to is near the end of the causeway bay, it has this stretch of pub and restaurants on the back of the store. Opposite of the store, theres a sneaker store that carries mihara yasuhiro etc. (and a huge ass poster of kanye, when I went there last year).

    I think if you want a bargain, go to joyce warehouse. n(n), galliano, dior all in 50% or more.

  4. I think it's in the encyclopedia, but here are some cliff's notes:

    Soaking is done prior to first wearing Raw Unsanforized jeans so that most of the shrinking is done prior to getting any "wear" on them. Otherwise, you get nice wear, and then your jeans shrink, and the wear will no longer be where it should be, make sense?

    You don't neccessarily need to soak sanforized jeans because sanforization prevents shrinking to an extent, that way you can wear them with out soaking them. Some people also soak sanforized jeans just to be sure.

    One wash jeans don't need to be soaked because they have already been "one-washed" which is basically soaking.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    So how do you actually tell the difference between sanforized and raw unsanforized jeans?

    And by soaking, is it cold soak or warm? do we need any detergents etc?

    Thanks for the info. +rep

  5. The SAs arent cute IMO. And the services are crap too, I came like at aound 11:55am and they wouldnt let me in or serve me, since they open at 12pm. Prices arent that much cheaper either. But Im not really sure which store I went to, its the store near IT if im not mistaken, somewhere around causeway bay.

  6. can someone explain this soaking thing?

    Yes, please someone! expain it to us, so next time I will answer these questions to those newbies! Do we have to soak the jeans before wearing them? or do we wear them straight for a whole year and wash/soak them then?

    I tried searching for these before but couldnt find it:p

  7. Since Hedi left Dior Homme, Karl Lagerfeld has stop wearing dior, and his trademark high collared shirt and opted for EG's cut away collar. It wouldnt surprise me if all the dior homme fans would soon start wearing these shirt.

  8. Hide san is having some problems with his internet connection these past few days, nonetheless he still responded me on a daily basis. I'm sure its just like I said before, you just have to email him again, if you dont receive your reply. He will reply you the next day, thats my experience:).

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