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Posts posted by lacquered

  1. I ain't never seen JP or Korean girls in Singapore. But that's interesting. I should keep that in mind and make sure to pay it a visit when I go to Singapore. I've got some good memories of Zouk :)

    Not a lot, but there are occasionally a few.

  2. I see, so which place is good for picking up ladies? I mean decent, young singaporean ladies? I have been to zouk and the likes, but it seems there arent any cute local ladies, only cute jp or korean chicks. Which I dont really mind, but I was hoping on trying some local delicacies when I go there.

  3. looks like a nice and cosy spot! damn, theres that garden view from the back window too!

    But seriously, dont they have anyone cleaning those place up? I mean doesnt the government provide them with shelter home or give them pensions? Its shocking to see this in a developed country like Japan.

  4. In 2003, I spent a month in Hong Kong. I had an amazing time. The problem was that when I got home (NYC), I noticed that all of the clothing I got there, I could find here. I did buy a Euro Carhartt jacket there, but its not Chinese.

    This winter, I will be in Shanghai for 2 weeks, Beijing for 4 days, and Hong Kong for 1 week. What are some interesting shops or brands that are things that I can not find in Manhattan?

    I will be staying with friends for the whole trip, so I got sight seeing, food, clubs, etc pretty much covered. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

    Damn, this is superfuture after all. i'd recommend Shanghai Tang, but they got that in ny too. There are a few other stores in hong kong that offers pretty good stuffs like hare or indu homme. They do similar styles (some say knock offs) of dior homme. And maybe take5 for raw denims?

  5. I'm sure everything Still wears, the tight pants community wants as well.

    Nah, still has too many good and nice shit that its hard to see him stick with one particular item.

    What I mean is, you know that its already a particular product is already hyped when you read the supermarket and in the description its like ".... rirawin was wearing this jeans in WAYWT!" or "....like mike lowrey was wearing in the WAYWT"

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