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Posts posted by lacquered

  1. Though its your money, but I wouldnt waste my money making clones of my ex gf. Waste of money imho. You could have just bring her to fancy restaurant, open a bottle of kristal and shed be head over heels again. Way cheaper!

    I'd probably make a clone of Miss Alba or Hilton. The hardest part is, where to keep them when you are not using them. I cant imagine the reaction of my firends or family when they accidently saw one of these hiding inside a closet.:rolleyes:

  2. I agree that there are a lot of things that get hyped within the circle of superfuture but your examples were shit.

    I've never seen this (n)n jkt thing before. dior is hyped all over the world. dior denim is majorly hyped all over the world. to see it discussed in a fashion forum with a strong concentration on denim is expected. in fact i found this forum while searching for dior denim - not the otherway around.

    If anything i would have to agree with Comma about the joy division UP tees. That is one thing that i've never really seen hyped outside of sufu.

    Not just any common dior jeans, but grey dauphin jeans, my friend.

    The reason I said this n(n) is hyped is because I still get PMs asking for this hoody every now and then. And they always ask "is this the same one as the one mike lowrey wore in WAYWT..."

  3. girl on top of reeves is izumi sakai singer from zard, had cancer and had an accidental death some say suicide.

    girl before her is singer u:nee ,Lee Hye-ryeon,had severe depression, suicide

    before u:nee is lee eun ju(actress), suicide


    Fuck, I didnt know zard died?! I used to listen to her a lot:(

    Thanks for ruining my day...

  4. have there been any significant upgrades made to the Zune? how was the party? When I went to Zune v. 1 release party, Red Hot Chili Peppers played for an hour or so. purty kewl.

    are orgys commonplace in your world? do you use protection when orgying or who gives a shit, right?

    At least I do, my friends, Im not sure since it was pretty dark in the room. I always change a new one every time I change a partner, arent I a perfect gentleman;)

  5. If by picking up, you do not mean looking for ladies of the night, then all you need to do is go to the local pubs and discos and exude your 'whiteness' and the ladies will flock like bees to honey. My earlier posts in this thread do not lie.

    I think the pub Brix have many ladies of these sort. More than the national profile. I cant recall the names of other pubs of this nature, maybe others can help.

    But when you go there, remember to act "white' and you will get what you want. Remember to bring a stick (not your stick). You will need it to beat the extraneous ladies away.

    Where are these pub located?

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