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Posts posted by camc

  1. i havent been able to really make sense of using laptop in tandem with cdj's after reading about it on the net. have a couple of questions that it would be sweet if someone could help me with.

    is the serato box basically just a generic midi controller? can i plug it into my mixer and use traktor? or is it possible to just plug my mixer straight into my laptop with traktor (<< im pretty sure i need a midi converter/controller to be able to use the mixer to crossfade etc though right?). i have no idea... obviously.

  2. Not sure if this is the right place to post but..

    The collection “HOMME DEUX. Suits for the Handsome Mindâ€, hitherto only available in Japan, consists primarily of SUITS, together with shirts and ties. For autumn winter 2009, the theme is “Play on Formal†and will be presented to the press and buyers in Florence from Jan 13-16 in a specially designed construction by Rei Kawakubo within the Palazzo degli Affari.

    "These days I feel that wearing suits is the most stylish thing to do. In the past, one usually thought that wearing a suit did anything but make one special. But I think that the suits of today are far from being either uniform-like or homogeneous. Nowadays, you can stand proud and be yourself in a suit"_ Hirofumi Kurino, Freelance Creative Advisor.


    If nothing else it will probably be interesting.

  3. hahaha that is all time. bit creepy though. hope he didnt ask you about it.

    yeah she is my brothers girls best friend. normally girls under the age of about 19 i just cant handle/dont understand, but theres something about this one. maybe it was because she bit me at a cut copy gig.. i dont know.

  4. I would not have sex with any of the girls in any of those pictures unless they agreed to let me do weird shit to them AND lost the ability to speak. Plus, I would have to be allowed to hook my finger in their mouth and pull their cheek while doggystyle in front of a mirror. You know what I mean.

    why do you need to be allowed? just rule that bitch.

  5. Its not that I am that sensitive, its just the guys annoyed tone at me and how he said OVER HERE WE SAY blah blah blah. Just because I'm ethnic means im less Australian than he is and dont understand english or whatever he was assuming and was annoyed at? Even if I had the the personality of the biggest bogan I bet he still wouldve said that.

    Im surprised you can understand english... you go to TAFE!

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