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Posts posted by camc

  1. I have a zune 80 and I think its way better than any of the previous ipods that I've had. Even though the software is pretty average I do like alot better than itunes which is complete garbage. Agree with a previous post though, drag and drop with no required software would be so much better.

    Maybe its possible to completely format either one, then install a pocket version of windows or another OS on it? Bypass the need to deal with any crappy software.

  2. yeah nothing worse than dependence. especially when it comes to sleep. i cant think of many things more frustrating than being dead tired before you go to bed.. only to be too restless to fall asleep once your head hits the pillow.

  3. i cant sleep. just took a sedative/anti anxiety drug that i havent taken for 2 years. dont remember it being like this. my heart feels like its going to just stop beating. scaring the shit out of me. i dont want to close my eyes in case they dont reopen :(

  4. I'm somewhere between half and three quarters through a degree in Public Relations and Marketing. Despite the fact that I have really high grades I feel I know absolutely nothing about either subject. I dont study, except when I need to for exams and assignments, so thats probably why.

    I have no idea where I'm going. I'm 23 and still completing my undergrad. The majority of my old school friends finished theirs 3 and 4 years ago and now have mediocre jobs/relationships/lives. I dont want that. The thought of achieving nothing with my life is pretty scary, but not scary enough to motivate me to do anything about it.

    Not sure what I want to do in the near future/post graduation. I like the idea of working for an innovative company in the entertainment/fashion industries (someone big and at the forefront of marketing and pr innovation) or at the total opposite end I think politics/lobbying would be good.

    If all else fails I can probably stroll into an advertising job.

    One day I would love to be the CD of my own design collective or agency. Working on miscellaneous design projects.

    No girls for a few years now. Cant decide if I care or not. Maybe we're both better off if I stay a bachelor.

    I try to take at least one overseas trip per year.. so heading to Japan for almost a month on the 27th. Pretty excited/scared. My Japanese is non existent.

    As for today.. I'm off to the cricket to watch Australia kick the shit out of the South Africans.... again.

  5. cant find the thread (i think there is one) about painting shoes. thinking about getting some cheap shoes and painting them black. need some info on the best way to go about painting them or having someone do it for me.

    Use acetone and a rag/cloth that doesnt leave any fibres behind to remove the finish from the leather (will take some of the colour too). Grab some leather dye/paint from your nearest cobbler/bootmaker or from here http://www.shoehardware.com/ - Angelus is the preferred one. Apply a couple of coats of paint, polish them up and youre good to go.

    If youre going to do it on a pair of shoes that already have some wear then its best to try it with the dye. Creases can stop the paint binding with the leather causing it crack and flake off.

    Not sure if you can access this but theres a good guide here.


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