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Posts posted by fightattack

  1. I need a little help finding a nice perfume for my fiancee

    She/we want something that's pretty fruity, maybe more fruity than what a lot of people on here would like. We're going for 'smells edible' mostly.

    I haven't done a ton of looking, mostly just at lower-end shops so far and the usual bath-goo stores in malls.

    Something light and airy, not too thick.

    Sweet, kind, happy and a little sexy.

    Greatly prefer something we could try out via sample or at a store (we're in Seattle)

  2. The dying/printing on the two coats is interesting.

    How is that done?

    The poof-structure sleeve look is really bizarre - makes the arms look longer and thicker . . . kinda Igor-like.

    Is there some sort of structure inside the sleeves?

    white ski-glove shirt is retarded and awkward.

  3. I got the super rad Robert Geller Souvenir jacket from Blackbird with some generous Christmas money from my fiancee, friend and family . . .

    Pretty much the pimpest jacket I've ever owned.

    And everything was going great until I went to a concert the other night and on the last song of the night, a guy I know grabbed me and tried to yank me into the 'pit' as hard as he could. (I am not a mosher.)

    My brand new Geller jacket tore from collar to waist in about 1 second.

    I'm pretty sure it's not repairable.

    I was too sad to get pissed.

    He's offered to pay for a replacement . . . but all of the places I can find that carry Geller are long sold out.

    I email Geller directly but have not heard back as of yet.

    I paid ~$400 for it at Blackbird on sale.

    Anyone got one they wanna sell?

    I will also pay a small bounty if you can find a store that has it in stock.

    The damage:






  4. It's brand new, never been worn.

    It's one of the best looking jackets I've ever seen. A lot of the typical sweet NC details.

    Zip up, with big chunky metal buttons you can button on top of that or instead of.

    Asymmetrical design, thick & soft canvas material.

    Sectioned deconstructive sleeves.

    Nice Collective "Target" jacket




    (from Buzz clothing)


    (my pictures)








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