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Posts posted by fadingblue

  1. well i just picked his last fit, that one i actually like. But he continues to wear those black captoes with tshirts which really irks me for some reason. Maybe those shoes arent casual enough to be worn with tshirts (at least in my eyes), some OCs or those margiela dance shoes would work, but that fit looks straight urban outfitters goes styleforum.

    His jeans fit him really good tho.

  2. apcrr3.jpg

    i'm so tempted...

    i went to the store today to try them on, but they didn't have my size (they only have one pair of 40's left). i should be a 41, but i don't know if i want to risk it without trying it on.... there's only a size 41 left in the online shop. WHAT DO I DO!?

    And it didnt occur to you to try on the 40s?

  3. Found this in my camera from while back. I think i was going out to an early dinner and then drinks or something. I forget.





    tim hamilton

    german army

    I dig, cant rep, wore the same thing today but peasant status and topsies instead of sneakers

  4. The Gentleman Traveler series isn't blue collar at all:


    My 'winter' shoes are chelsea boots or Red Wings, but then, 'winter' is relative thanks to LA weather. I can still wear boat shoes in December.

    Yea its the same in Arizona, but it still feels a bit off to me to wear boat shoes + a jacket

    Jesus fuuuuck why do the Rogues Gallery deck boots have to look so good? A pair in green, or in blue? Damn, why aren't the other companies pumping out their own versions instead of constant rehashes of boat shoes?

    Yet ironically enough those rogues gallery deck boots are just a rebranded version of the quoddy boots (+ the boat sole)

  5. Now that boat shoes are out of season, what are you guys gonna wear?

    I was thiking of getting some LLBean mocs and maybe some quoddy penny loafers, i was thinking about some redwings but theyre a bit too utalitarian/bluecollar for me and they might look a bit out of place on a highschool kid.

    Also might cop some desert boots or some CP court shoes

    What's your guys' fall shoe?

  6. Sometimes my dreams and real life become a blurr because I dream of really mundane every day things, so sometimes I cant remember if things happened or not. If my memory of things is vague, I choose not to talk about them, just in case they never happened to save myself the embarrasment.

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