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Posts posted by fadingblue

  1. I used to be best friends with this kid up until last (school) year. I really do hate him now. I've tried to talk about it with friends and my parents, but I can't voice it, It's just too much. I mean, there are many reasons, it is just kinda hard to explain. The bottom line is, I can't stand him now. Luckily he moved to Mexico for this year (senior year) and I can honestly say it has been way more enjoyable than before.

    He came to visit my school today after school got out, it was half awkward. I was talking to some of my friends and he comes up and acting all excited to see me goes "Dude I've missed you!" and gives me a hug. I tried to keep a smile on my face and act excited. I can't say I was. We kinda sat there for about 15 seconds and no one said anything so he just walked away and said hi to more people and I went on talking to my friends. He told me we should do something, I told him I had to go eat lunch with some people at Beyond Bread and I was gonna go play tennis after, but I would hit him up later.

    Bla bla bla, I leave school with my friend Marti and my brother and we meet up for lunch with some other people at Beyond Bread. He shows up there with his friend and walks up to me and from the back he awkwardly hugs me while I was in the middle of a conversation with my friends and goes "Damn dude, how you been?" and I was like "ehh" and proceeded to take a bite out of my sandwich.

    Anyways there is no real point to this story, I just can't really stand the kid now. It's not like I hate him, but every fiber in my body dislikes him. I told him he could come over today to watch Gossip Girl with my brother and me. I don't know how to explain this story without writing a novel about it.


  2. there is this girl

    shes half cute, but carries herself well and has a good body, and shes pretty funny

    and lives close to my house @ the country club i play tennis at

    i think imma spit some game see what happens

  3. i like the guy on the right's, but i would want it midthigh and khaki, the APC one is pretty similar to that, so i might cop that depending on how it fits

    EDIT: I tried that jcrew one on, it fits pretty shitty, if youre big it might fit you but at 5'9" and 150 lbs the small was on the huge side on me

  4. i just got back from playing tennis and i feel like shit

    didnt eat breakfast and almost threw up cuz it was really sunny and made me dizzy and shit

    but it was kinda fun

    and then my friend called me and asked me if i wanted a bottle of champagne cuz his mom found it and now he had to get rid of it, now i got booze for tonight


  5. fuckk im excited for tomorrow

    my friends parents are in switzerland

    dont come back for another week

    and shes throwing a party

    and i think im just gonna get trashed

    and have fun

    i think senior year is living up to the hype so far

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