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Posts posted by Uinku

  1. hehehee, I'm very interested in artbooks(the art of a certain artist, where he also explains his methods). Not too much into comercial stuff, or television/high tech/ car design etc.

    Name some of your faforite books, and I'll check them out!

    Oh, and something I definately want to have is how to make patterns, I would love to make my own clothes!

  2. Damn, that was very helpful jdat! Thank you very much! I don't know if I'm going to go sightseeing on my own a lot, because the school is organizing it and they already planned a lot of sightseeing. And now that you mention it, I DO want to buy some cool designerbooks (I've had an artistblock for more than 6 months!) tho, so thank you! Any books you recommend?

  3. I'm going to Berlin in 2 weeks. I've checked the superfuture shoplist, but have no idea which stores are actually worth visiting. I'm still a student, so I'm probably not going to buy super expensive stuff (But recommend it to me anyway if it's a shop that one must have visited when one's in Berlin, or if you just think the shop is the shizznat).

    Thanks in advance! (btw, I know there's another thread about Berlin, but that's more of a going-out thread, so I started a new one)

  4. Here are a few of my recommendations, these books have all won the Booker Prize, so there is no doubt that they're good.

    Yann Martell - Life of Pi (336 pages)

    Boy on a ship. The ship sinks. He survives on a life vessel surrounded by dangerous circus animals. Bizzare, but VERY cool book

    Kazuo Ishiguro - Never Let Me Go (304 pages)

    Imagine being at a school where the main purpose is NOT to give you a headstart in life.

    Kazuo Ishiguro - Remains of the day (256 pages)

    Story about a butler in love with his housekeeper, they've also made a movie of this book starring Anthony Hopkins!

    Margret Atwood - The Robber Bride (528 pages)

    A story about revenge and people returning from their grave.

    Ian McEwan - Enduring love (262 pages)

    Known to have one of the best/weirdest opening scene in literature. About an accidental meeting which turns violent

    Ian McEwan - Atonement (351 pages)

    Story is about the pain of secrets and the mistakes that can haunt you for the rest of your life.

  5. if youre looking for exclusive high end stores in amsterdam then everything has actually been said yet

    but there are a few fashion shops left in the 9 straatjes (the 9 streets) you mos def cant miss that if you can get yourself a city map. its near the Jordaan. Theres one store there wich i regulary visit called Magriet Nannings in the Prinsenstraat orso wich sells head porter, apc, cdg etc. they carry small collections but mostly very exclusive. they have seperates shop for men, women and an outlet store, all in the same street.


    have fun and good luck hunting!

    You DEFINATELY need to visit the 9 straatjes. It's kind of a maze out there, so get yourself a map. Lots of specialised shops, almost every shop has something interesting! You should also visit the regular shops in the Kalverstraat, a friend of mine once bought Nudie veggies for just 30 euro's! Sale season is almost over, but there still are a few shops that have sale.

    Oh, and there is this one shop that sells exclusive and Japanese-brand clothes for men near Zeedijk (=Chinatown). It's incredibly expensive tho! I forgot which street it was. All I know is that you'll encounter it on the way towards Chinatown when you start at the monument.

  6. Yeah, I noticed! Also because of the wide legs I guess, it's very hard to get honeycombs or whiskers in it! I sized down two sizes, and they're still very wide! I like it though, can't wait untill they lose a bit of their stiffness and start to drape.

  7. Dave: Thanks! I was also hoping they would shrink a bit widthwise, ohwell.. Btw, do you also have the royal pants? Because I'm wondering if you're having problems with the jeans getting under your shoes. I don't have that problem yet because the denim is till very stiff which prevents it.

  8. Hey guys, have any of you tried to soak your ALD?? I've just got my royal pants, and I'm planning on soaking them so the stretch out in the waist a bit. Do you guys have any experience with this? How much it shrinks lengthwise and widthwise?(I have seen a thread somewhere about this a long time ago, but I'm not able to find it anymore)

    I'm planning on putting them on while soaking them, is this a good idea?

  9. Do you asian guys also have the problem of thick and hard hairstrands which makes it almost impossible to style it (unless you wash it, wear a hat while you put the hair into it's position)? I've been shaving my head forever, and I want to have a new hairstyle, I've grown my hair out once, but decided to shave it off again.

  10. hahahahahhaahahaaaa I'M FAMOUS!

    How was my performance?


    Well, he sang a song, had a LOT of make-up on. And when he was finished he blew kisses and thanked everybody. And then there was someone who brought him flowers (because it was his first time performing in ages) and he said 'Ooooooooooooooooh mah GAAAAAAAWWDDDDDDDDDD' (you have to understand that people talk Vietnamese all the time on the DVD and he suddenly says something in English) and he says 'I love you, I love you so much' (also in English) or something in that context and blows kisses again

    I;m not even making this up.

  11. it's cuz it's what they know that they think it's the best. ask em if the went to pasteur in saigon. cuz i was the same school of thought as your siblings until i went there.

    It's not only my siblings. The family of my sister in law is Indonesian. They've been everywhere in the world, eaten a lot of pho (before my sister in law met my brother), but have agreed that my mother's is the best after they tasted it.

    My sister went on an internship in Vietnam and stayed in Saigon for three months. She had people who brought her to the most popular places to eat. She tasted lots of pho and said it was good, but by far not as good as my mother's. I don't know she went to the place you mentioned tho. But she noticed that the Vietnamese people in Vietnam use A LOT of flavour-enhancers in their food.

  12. ^you guys put basil in it?!?! You mean Thai basil right?

    My brothers and sister (and the family of my sister in law) have tasted phở all over the world, Paris, America, Vietnam etc. but they never are as good as my mother makes them. Most people put too much cinnamon and flavour-enhancers in it!

    My mother lets it stew half a day, and then we eat it the next day (the flavour is much stronger/delicious if you let it stay for a day!). We use korriander, red pepper, lemon, Thai basil and a herb called ngô gai, it's a long, toothed leaf which is a bit tough but has a very strong flavour. My mother also used to fry onion and ginger(cut in tiny pieces) and then sprinkle that on top of the phở, delicious!

    There are only 2 kinds of phở : chicken and beef (beef >>>>>chicken in my opinion)

    and as mentioned above, seafood phở, isn't phở, but hũ tiếu.

    and bún bò Hûé isn't Pho of the north, it's a whole other dish! It's orange/red of color, very spicy and eaten with a different kind of noodle!

    It's pronunciation is: 'feh?' (the 'eh' like when you're in a dilemma) with a questionmark.

    btw. I don't know if it's just in our family, but do you guys also get sliced beef (that had been stewed in the phở) with it, which you then dip in chilisauce and hoisin sauce/sweet bean sauce before you eat it? That's what I like most about Phở :P.

    Oh, another Vietnamese noodlesoup you guys should check out is bún riêu. It kind of is a tomato noodlesoup with tofu and crab mixed with egg in it. Not as good as phở tho :P.

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