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Posts posted by Curious_George

  1. untitled1111.jpg

    dolce gabbana batman tee

    N(N) vest

    Dior Homme D belt jeans & heels

    Men's gold heels? I know they're Dior Homme and some people will defend them just because of that, but I don't think they look good. Only pimps can wear gold heels, and even they probably know how ridiculous they look.

  2. I really love the blue pair I picked up recently. They go with everything, and I find they're more comfortable than I expected. Coming from Vans slip-ons I wasn't sure if I'd miss the padding, but I really don't even notice that it's gone. I plan to order the black/black pair soon.

    And as far as sizing goes, I ordered the same size as my slip-ons (12), and they also fit about the same as my 11.5 Purcells (although those are almost a tiny bit longer but a little more narrow). One thing I like about Vans is that they always fit my wide feet. Some narrow shoes totally kill my feet unless I size up a bunch.

  3. As a white person, I don't want to say it, but the times when,as Larry said, quoting a hip hop song or a line from a Dave Chappelle sketch, it's weird not saying it. I mean, I still don't say it, but I think it's weird how it's become a word that is censored, and is being censored even when quoting a black person. So in essence, it is going from a word that black people "own" to one where white people are censoring it, and again trying to act like they know what's best for everybody.

    But my original point is, if I were to read a black poets writings, should I even not say the word, and replace their writings with the phrase "the n-word", or should I just say what the black person wrote or said.

    Although I don't use the word in regular conversation and don't find myself needing to quote things that do very often, what you're saying seems overly sensitive. As long as you make it known that you're quoting another person's words, and the intention of the quote is not to directly offend someone, then I don't see a problem with quoting something as it was stated.

    Are you honestly saying that if you were reading a poem such as "Mulatto" by Langston Hughes or a book like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and hypothetically you had to read a line from it aloud that included the word, you'd skip it or say "n-word" instead? Now I have nothing against trying not to offend people, but in my opinion that is going too far the other way. I hate racism, but I also hate censorship, and I think we're doing a work a disservice when we start cutting out words because they make us feel a little uncomfortable.

  4. Whites can expect higher incomes with the same level of education.

    Now I agree this is completely unfair. However, most of the other things you listed are simply a symptom of whites being the majority (at least here in the U.S.). Of course I'm going to turn on the tv and see more whites being represented than minorities, because there are more to begin with. It's the same with many of the other things you listed. If the dominant culture is white then of course that is going to be the one most represented. But I don't see how this is a "white privilege." Say for example, I move to Japan, where I'd be a small minority. I doubt I'd retain many of my so called "white privileges" there. I really don't see how this is an issue of race privileges. It's more of an issue of which culture is the majority/dominant culture in a specific region. Not that I'm saying it's right that these differences exist between the majority and minorities, but I don't think it's just an issue of whites vs minorities. I think you'll see a similar issue in any dominant culture vs minorities. It's a problem of human nature and the tendency to aggregate with those who are similar to us.

  5. i think you're too short, but really its just as simple as that they don't look right on you. :(

    That was my thought as well. While I don't think they look awful, something feels off with the look. I think to really pull off April 77s one has to be both skinny and tall (although not so tall that one looks gangly).

  6. should i abandon ship and move onto another pair? it was my first pair of raws, live and learn

    Sams look fine to me, I wouldn't abandon them. I'm not really sure what people are seeing that is so odd. They look like they've been washed a bunch, but so do most jeans eventually (unless you're a dirty bastard who never cleans their jeans at all).

  7. I have a question about Samurai. I want to get a pair of S0500XXs, but I've got another pair of Samurais that I need to wear in, and with summer approaching I probably won't need that much 15oz denim. What I'm wondering is if I wait, will they still be around? Are they really that limited of an edition that they'll be gone by fall? The denim contest has caused me to fall in love with their fading, but I really don't want to buy another pair right now.

  8. So the only place to get these Raw is from the fab4 website??

    I really want raw....but the one-wash from blueingreen for the 6x6 is about 40 bucks cheaper....damn

    How is that possible? On the fab4 website they cost 20790 yen, which converts to about 175 US. Then you add in about 20 some shipping and it ends up around 200. While at blueingreen these run around 230+shipping.

  9. 461077080_e8d860acc7.jpg

    I'm not sure if you are serious, but the double polo is horrible.

    As much as I hate popped collars and double polos, I really like that green polo with the contrast piping. Does anyone know where you can find that le tigre polo? The only ones I ever see are bland solid color polos.

  10. I have to say I wasn't sold on the concept behind this party, mostly because I've never been big on denim shorts, but some of these pairs don't look half bad. But I think this is a case where a more distressed pair might fit the look better. Something about the fresh raw shorts makes me think of old men, but I like the look of the darker distressed pair that the dude in the flannel has on. Makes me want to take one of my old, worn in 517s and turn them into shorts.

  11. First waywt post:



    Vintage type n-3b (it's cold again today)

    random tee

    vintage v-neck

    samurai so505xx

    purcell slip-on



    Sorry for the poor hap imitation, but it was the only way to fit myself in the shot in my small bathroom.

    vintage jcpenney "The Fox" jacket

    thrifted button-up

    aa tee

    kmw 1980

    grenson ilkley

  12. I can only do up 2 buttons, and barely barely barely to up the top one with no other buttons done up and gives me a muffin top that I have never seen before. I need a post stretch size of around 31" around, which I thought the around 29" waist I thought I was getting (74.5cm) would do well.

    Maybe these were miss tagged size 26s?

    They're probably not miss-tagged, but you may not be measuring the same way they do. If you're measuring with a tape measure straight across the waist you're not going to get the same measurement that Fabfour/Skulls use. I asked Shinichi about this when I ordered mine and he told me all of their waist measurements are circumference, which means a 26 across the waist might actually be a 28 circumference. It's actually more accurate of a method, because there is room on the sides that is never counted when you measure straight across. I know that might not help you now, but if you reorder measure your waist circumference and then pick a size that matches it.

  13. If you don't mind a higher rise I like vintage levi's 519 and 517s. Levi's vintage bootcut cords are so minor that it almost looks like a straight leg, and 519s are just a great fit all around (straight and fairly slim). If I wanted a bit lower rise though, I'd probably go for some April 77s, their cords seem pretty nice.

  14. 444111363_5712a36de5_o.jpg

    LEVIS 70505 (E)

    eternal 811



    Awesome photo and fit. I love the kind of murkly looking location you picked. And something about the combo of the lighter denim jacket with the dark jeans works really well too. The jacket is just light enough to stand out but not so much that it overpowers everything else you have on.

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